3 months ago • Study Mash

Ever felt overwhelmed and wanted to escape when things seem messy? It's something many of us face, especially if we work.

For years, I've dealt with this feeling.

But here's a different perspective:

When life feels chaotic, the answer isn't to wait for things to tidy up. It's about tackling tasks despite the chaos.

We often freeze when we see a long list of responsibilities—managing health, finances, relationships, future plans, and work tasks. It feels like we're stuck.

The trick?

Pick an essential task and give it your undivided attention. Say no to distractions—no emails, no social media. Just focus on that task until it's done.

Didn't finish? Take a short break, then dive back in.

By doing this focused work daily, you'll find the chaos becoming more manageable.

Here's the thing: Waiting for everything to be perfect before starting work is a myth. Start working even if things aren't perfectly organized.

Know what's most important to you. For me, it's about making daily progress, fulfilling work commitments, and staying connected with others. Scheduled tasks help prevent procrastination.

Just a few hours of focused work each day can make a significant difference.

When life gets chaotic, embrace discipline. Discipline isn't about limitations; it's about freedom.

"Discipline is freedom"—it's more than a saying. It's a way of life.

Being disciplined helps manage tasks, build a reputation, and handle life's chaos better.

So, when things get chaotic, remember the power of discipline—it's your guiding light.

What do you think about this approach? Let's continue this conversation. 

3 months ago • Study Mash

Hi All, 

We have been able to recover studymash.com and emails are recovered. Please let us know if anyone finding issue in accessing site.


3 months ago (edited) • Study Mash

HI All, unfortunately my website studymash.com got crashed, I am working on restoring website, if someone have questions send me email on webtrainer.in@gmai.com 

10 months ago • Study Mash

Guys, I am unable to upload videos due to very hectic schedule now a day, if some one wants to work with me to continue angular tutorial please connect with me on sandeep@studymash.com. 

1 year ago • Study Mash

Designing software architecture involves creating a high-level structure for a software system that defines the relationships between its components and how they interact. The process of designing software architecture typically involves the following steps:

1. Understand the requirements: Gather and analyze the functional and non-functional requirements for the system to identify the key constraints and design drivers.

2. Identify the key components: Break the system down into smaller, manageable components that can be designed and implemented separately.

3. Define the component interfaces: Define how the components will interact and communicate with each other, including the data and control flow between them.

4. Design the component interactions: Describe how the components will interact, including the sequence of events, error handling, and concurrency.

5. Select an appropriate architecture pattern: Select an appropriate architecture pattern such as Microservices, client-server, pipes and filters, event-driven, layered architecture, etc. that best suits the requirements.

6. Validate the architecture: Simulate or prototype the architecture to validate the design and identify any issues or areas for improvement.

7. Implement and test the system: Once the architecture is finalized, implement and test the system. Continuously monitor the system and make changes to improve the performance or scalability if needed.

It's important to note that the process of designing software architecture is an iterative one, and as the design progress, it's important to continuously review, update, and refine the architecture as needed to ensure it meets the requirements of the system and the organization. Also, the software architecture should be designed keeping in mind the scalability, security, performance, maintainability, portability, and testability of the system. 

1 year ago (edited) • Study Mash

23 WAYS TO LIVE 2023

1. Compliment someone once a day.
2. Contribute at least 20 hours each week towards your learning.
3. Meditate at least 15 minutes everyday.
4. Every morning, stand in front of the mirror, and smile.
5. Travel on a light budget.
6. Read for 15 minutes every day.
7. Automate your investments.
8. Call a friend every week.
9. Journal everyday.
10 Be kind on social media.
11. Live 1 day/month where you do not complain about anything.
12. Say ‘I love you’ to your loved ones.
13. Start a hobby.
14. Go to a new place and don’t click any photo.
15. Nurture a plant.
16. Write letters.
17. Pay 100% of your monthly credit card bills.
18. Unfollow all toxic people from your life.
19. Make your bed after waking up.
20. Never go to sleep with an argument still unresolved.
21. Ask questions, and listen.
22. Exercise/walk for 30 minutes daily.
23. Document your decisions.

From Ankur Warikoo 

These 23 NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS will CHANGE YOUR LIFE in 2023! | Ankur Warikoo Hindi


1 year ago • 981,360 views

1 year ago (edited) • Study Mash

I was looking someone who can work with me on angular tutorial, you not only will learn something but will also get some stipend with it. If you are interested kindly send me resume with your skills on sandeep@studymash.com 

1 year ago • Study Mash

Which file is responsible for startup of angular 2 project ? 




127 votes

2 years ago • Study Mash

What photo upload option you would like me to cover in HSPA tutorial 


File System

119 votes

2 years ago (edited) • Study Mash

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