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What do you think of #california' state statute on regulating Univerisities on #Firstamendment law?
Should #students be disciplined for the content of their #speech? Should #freespeech be limited?
Does falling fertility impact the nature of #immigration laws for each country? Let us know below
Did #iran intend to do damage on their recent #missilelaunch? Where do you believe this war will go?
Is it possible that we are expecting a war involving #ai as a destructive tool? What can be expected
Was #alexeinavalny's death being exactly one month before the #Russian #election a coincidence?
Is #ai a #technology that allows us to get computers to do what we never could get them to do?
What matters most about the #Russian #election? Is #Putin still the popular vote? #battlegrounds
Is #ai mainly used for Marketing? Is it  just a “Marketing term”? What is #artificialintelligence ?
Has leadership declined over the years? What is to come for the next leaders? What do you think?
Is #lithuania and the Baltic States the next target for #Putin & #russia? #uncommonknowledge
Is #putin afraid of #nato? Will he resort to a nuclear threat to obtain the outcome he wants?
What do we do when #ai causes harm by speaking? Reference to “2001: A Space Odyssey” from 1998.
Does Russia’s Nevalny team dominate YouTube with their large following? Does it have affect?
Should Bibi Netanyahu step down? #goodfellows
Do Robots and AI need to go to law school? Are they exempt from the #firstamendment? #freespeech
What IS the audience Israel needs to win over for this war? On #goodfellows, Brett Stephen’s answers
On #goodfellows,HR McMaster emphasizes if you are Pro-Palestine, you should be Anti-Hamas. Thoughts?
On #Uncommonknowledge, fellow Andrew Roberts answers if Ridley Scott’s film on Napoleon is accurate.
Does the government protect free speech? What is their take on social media? #FreeSpeechUnmuted.
Is TikTok a problem for the US and US citizens? Find out and more on the latest #Goodfellows
Battlegrounds w/ H.R. McMaster | Latin America #shorts
Battlegrounds w/ H.R. McMaster | International Security #shorts
Teaser: Afghanistan: A Conversation with Lieutenant General Sami Sadat #shorts
Part II: Empires, War Crimes, and Bad Facial Hair-Viewer Mail | GoodFellows #shorts
Viewer Mail, Part 1: Banks, Tanks, Prizes, and a Singing Serpent | GoodFellows #shorts
Super Bowl, Shmooper Bowl #shorts
Hello, Cleveland: Troy Senik on Man of Iron #shorts
Battlegrounds w/ H.R. McMaster | Iran: Protests, Activism, and Prospects for Change #shorts
The BYO Show: China’s Totalitarian Gridlock, a Woke “Mind Virus,” and Futbal vs. Football #shorts
Peter Thiel, Leader of the Rebel Alliance #shorts
Condoleezza Rice on Footballs: Domestic, International, College, and Professional #shorts
Karl Rove on the 2022 Election and America’s Political Landscape | GoodFellows #shorts
Upheaval and Change in Russia, Iran, and Italy | GoodFellows #shorts
Live from Kyiv: The War, the Queen, and Europe’s Winter(s) of Discontent | GoodFellows #shorts
"Ameri-Can or Can’t?: China’s Looming Demographic and Economic Collapse" #shorts
"The Wrath of Kan: A Soviet-Born Anthropologist on Stalin’s Gulag" #Shorts
Vice President Cheney and Lynne Cheney: “Cooking is an honorable male profession”