1 year ago • Alert World

I definitely don't post as often as I would like on my second channel Utopian World... but this time I did it! 

SCP-978 | The Desire Camera Infomercial | Utopian World

Alert World Alarms

1 year ago • 14,074 views

1 year ago • Alert World

I would like to sincerely thank all the people who have supported this channel over the years.. wait, it hasn't even been a year! It has honestly been a pleasure to create these alerts and it is far from being over. Without you, there is no Alert World. A special video highlighting this occasion will be posted soon. 

1 year ago • Alert World

To this day, you all have shown me an overwhelming amount of support and I can’t thank you all enough. As much as I love creating this content for you, it is only fitting I share my most recent misfortune. It is not easy for me to say this, but my loyal subscribers, new and old, deserve complete transparency. Unfortunately, YouTube decided to demonetize my channel just a few days ago for what they believe to be, “repetitive content,” even when you all know this to be very untrue. The only reason I can think of them to be “repetitive” is that they have a similar look, but that is the theme and why you all like to come back every week. I have tried but have found no success in my appeal so far. I have to wait 30 days until I can reapply for my channel to be monetized again. At this point, I have little to no clue what to do because YouTube’s advice was to, “Make changes to your channel to address the initial feedback,’’ which makes no sense to me since the content I create is not repetitious in the first place. It is starting to become more apparent that my chances of monetization are very low. I have been suggested to contact Team YouTube on Twitter to get their attention from fellow peers on Reddit, but I will have to look into that. I am turning to you for help; If any of you know how I can contact YouTube to talk about this, please let me know since there are no email addresses, phone numbers, or any other contactable resources available.

Not being monetized means, I can’t continue posting new content at this pace. Creating weekly content takes time.. LOTS of time! And in order to have this time, I need to give up some of my ‘’job’’ time and make YouTube sort of a part time job. From time to time I also have to hire freelancers to attain the weekly deadline.. I’m currently working on the idea of creating a Patreon to break this dependence from YouTube. More to come in the near future.. 

2 years ago • Alert World

THANKS TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!! Let the journey continue.. 

2 years ago • Alert World

NEW CHANNEL Announcement: Utopian World
I decided to create a similar but also very different channel to post ideas that could not have been uploaded here. The concept revolves around public service announcements broadcast in an ideal society that does not exist in reality. 

Police Abolition | Public Service Announcement Scenario | Utopian World

Alert World Alarms

2 years ago • 27,889 views

2 years ago • Alert World