9 months ago • darkness2noor

You won't trust Muslim scholars and their interpretations, you continue to vilify and attack the Prophet. Would you also disregard Western orientalists?

Prophet and Statesman
William Montgomery Watt
Pg. 234 

1 year ago (edited) • darkness2noor

One of the greatest conversations in the Quran, Firaun has no straight response, just wiffles and waffles around! Musa alaihsalam doesn't entertain the 'changing the subject' tactic! Something to ponder!

Surah  26:23 -28

23. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "And what is the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)?"

24. Musa (Moses) said: "Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, if you seek to be convinced with certainty."

25. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said to those around: "Do you not hear (what he says)?"

26. Musa (Moses) said: "Your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers!"

27. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "Verily, your Messenger who has been sent to you is a madman!"

28. Musa (Moses) said: "Lord of the east and the west, and all that is between them, if you did but understand!" 

2 years ago • darkness2noor


One of the most powerful videos with a message that hits the heart. 

Please share as much as you can to educate the ignorant so we can eliminate some of the hate. 

2016 NPS Finals - San Diego - "Islamophobia" by Rudy Francisco, Natasha Hooper, and Amen Ra

Poetry Slam Inc

7 years ago • 286,791 views

3 years ago (edited) • darkness2noor

Alhamdulillah, the channel is getting the most views in the past few days since the first video was uploaded years ago. I'm not sure why, I didn't do anything different. It is ONLY by Allah's LEAVE and MERCY.

I ask Allah to for it to be a means of guidance for those in need of guidance, I ask Allah for this channel and it's content to fulfill it's purpose - to penetrate the sincere hearts and guide them to worship the One True God alone without ANY partners, I ask Allah to forgive all my shortcomings over the years in the videos and otherwise. I ask Allah for forgiveness for the Entire UMMAH and ask HIM to forgive ALL our sins, the biggest of them and the smallest of them. I ask Allah to keep me SINCERE and work for HIS sake alone, remove the slightest ounce of ARROGANCE from mine and all our hearts, make us to be the HUMBLEST of HIS servants.

Thank you my beloved brother and sisters, for your continued support throughout the years. Please like, subscribe and share the contents and videos if you feel they should be shared, this increases the chances of the videos to be recommended in people's timelines, hence getting more views and reaching more people. All rewards are shared equally as the hadith of our beloved Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam).

Remember me in your duas, even if I leave this world at any time. Time of death is not fixed for anybody.
Assalamu alaykum. 

3 years ago • darkness2noor

*Watering our hearts with the Qur'an*
Pondering over the below verses.
(This is not original to me, I recalled hearing a lecture from Nouman Ali Khan and he expounded on this)

Surah 16:64-65

*And We have not sent down the Book (the Qur'an) to you (O Muhammad ), except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a folk who believe.*

*And Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, then He revives the earth therewith after its death. Verily, in this is a sign (clear proof) for people who listen (obey Allah).*

Rain penetrates the soil and brings forth all kinds of fruit and vegetation, some grow quickly and some take years i.e.large trees, hence more water needed over a longer period of time. The powerful Quran penetrates our hearts through our ears and has instant effect over some; with tears flowing from their eyes, and for some others, it takes a little longer to soften the heart.

The rainwater has the same constituents, H2O, but aids in bringing forth fruit and plants of varying colours, tastes, shapes and sizes. We just have to look at all the different fruit that is available in our world today to realize this fact. In a similar sense, as a whole, the Qur'an is the same but it might have a different impact on different individuals. Some give up certain bad habits such as alcohol, usury etc. Some become more regular in salah, some start memorizing the Qur'an more and the list goes on. What I'm getting at is that it has similarities to the rainwater on soil in the sense that it brings out different actions from different individuals.

Verse 65 talks about reviving the earth after it's death. Likewise, there are hearts which are completely distant to Allah SWT and His Book. We never lose hope, that heart needs to be watered with the Qur'an and Insha'Allah there will come a time when it will be turned from solid rock into soft soil for vegetation to grow with ease.

Interesting also that Allah SWT uses the word 'listen' in ayah 65, in a way linking ayah 64 (about Qur'an) and ayah 65 (about rain and dead land).

Reminder for myself first and foremost and then for all of us - we need to stay connected with Allah's Qur'an. A little by little day by day, we need to water our hearts with the Qur'an. Even if we have listened to or read just one ayah, we do not know how much of an effect it already has had on our heart, how much of a crack it has made for the Quran to penetrate. Listening, reading, memorizing, whatever little we can do to the best of our ability. Over a period of time, our heart can be turned into a beautiful flourishing garden with lots of beautiful actions and deeds which will be beloved to Allah SWT - giving charity, helping others, perfecting our speech, perfecting our character, staying away from usury and on and on and on.

Apologetics/Refuting lies and falsehood are important but much more important is our continuous connection with the Glorious Qur'an.

I seek Allah's forgiveness and pardon for the entire Ummah and myself. 

3 years ago • darkness2noor

One of the best ‘owned’ video in the Christian Muslim apologetic domain.

One of my favourites if not ‘the’ favourite.

Relive the great Shabir Ally smack down below for those who have watched it before, and for those who have not, I’m sure you will enjoy this :)


Sam Shamoun got owned by Shabir Ally


13 years ago • 16,515 views

3 years ago • darkness2noor

Assalamualaikum habibis, I just thought I'd share something interesting I came across which some of you might already be aware of but will share anyway.

In the Book of Genesis - Chapter 40, Yusuf a.s. has the conversation with the 2 prisoners about their dreams and he interpretes those dreams for them.
Check the below link to read the passage.
The Qur'an also records that conversation and what happens to those prisoners as per the dream interpretation is almost similar in both accounts. But the interesting thing is that the Bible does not record the below words that were spoken by Yusuf a.s. in Genesis 40 or in the chapters preceding or succeeding it.

Below are the verses from Surah 12-Verses 37 to 41

37. Yusuf said, 'the food which you use to get, will not come to you, but I shall tell you the interpretation thereof before it comes to you, this is of those knowledges which my Lord has taught me. No doubt, I did not concede to the religion of the people who do not believe in Allah and they are the rejecters of the Hereafter.

38. And I followed the religion of my fathers Ibrahim and Ishaque and Yaqub. It is not for us to associate anything with Allah. That is a grace of Allah upon mankind and us but most men thank not.

39. 'O my two fellow prisoners; are separate Lords better or Allah the One Omnipotent?

40. You worship not besides Him but only names which you and your fathers have carved out. Allah has sent down no authority for them. There is no judgement but of Allah. He commanded not to worship anyone besides Him.This is the right religion, but most men know not.

41. 'O my two fellow prisoners! As for one of you he will serve wine for drink to his lord (King), and as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat of his head. The matter about which you inquired has been decreed.

Yusuf a.s. is said to have called to tawheed (or gave da'wah) to those prisoners - which is not recorded in the Bible. There are timeless lessons that can be extracted from these verses alone on our methodology of da'wah, that we center our conversation around tawheed and hearts and minds are eventually drawn to the pure concept of the unique oneness of God.

In addition, it is worth pondering on the below:

1. They allege Prophet Muhammad pbuh copied the Torah, but based on historical evidence, there was no Arabic Torah available at the time of the Prophet pbuh. It was there in Hebrew, and there is a hadith where the Jews would translate it for the companions. It would have been one remarkable job to get the story of Prophet Joseph from the book of Genesis translated into Arabic and then seamlessly transition these words/verses in there.

2. Looking at the eloquence of the above words, they are perfectly put together even in English, let alone the actual Arabic grammar and vocabulary, of which the Prophet did not read and write in. You would have to be highly trained in Arabic language skills to be able to produce verses of such high eloquence and richness in meaning and seamlessly transition them into the Quran if you were 'plagiarising' from the Torah.

3. If Satan inspired the above words to be added in the Genesis story of Joseph, what was Satan thinking, calling the pagan Arabs to worship Only One God? Isn't he happy with them remaining idol worshipers?

4. If some other Arabs produced the Qur'an, what was their objective adding words calling people to worship the One True God instead of the idols of the Kaa'bah. That was meant to be the primary source of revenue for the city, where various tribes from neighbouring localities would visit the Kaa'bah to pay homage to their gods.

Just food for thought :) 

3 years ago • darkness2noor

Interesting perspective. If the haters take Aisha’s r.a. words about her marriage to the Prophet ﷺ (she is the narrator of the Hadith) then inadvertently they have to believe that he is a true Prophet of God.