4 years ago • Eric & Brad

Hi all!

Just wanted to share some good news with you and an update on our lives. 4 Years Ago, we took a leap of faith. Moving to the East Coast was hard enough without having to say goodbye to Eric, at the time, the guy I met only 6 months prior. While we talked about potentially breaking up because long distance seemed impossible, both of us, couldn’t ignore that fact that our love was incredibly strong. While the last four years was anything but easy, I know that both of us knew that we could it work someway somehow. This moment, where we both graduate, is something that we have been looking forward to every single day. Every day going to bed alone, thinking about one another, FaceTiming every night, we’ve finally made it. Now for the rest of our lives together ♥️

Brad & Eric 

4 years ago • Eric & Brad

Hi all! 

We just uploaded our new video, to be released tomorrow. This is our best vlog yet and takes you through a weekend this summer, when we took a getaway vacation to the California desert. We stayed at an adorable AirBnB, visited a crazy museum in the middle of the desert, almost had a crazy encounter in a really sketchy area, and finished it all with some thrift store shopping!!

As kind of a life update, we've been doing very well throughout our time as a long distance couple. After Brad graduates in May 2020, we hope to both be living in Southern California by that summer. After that, we can't wait to tell you our story on how we survived all four years of college long distance. 

In the mean time, Brad is coming back to SoCal on a couple of breaks over the next few weeks, and we hope to get at least one more video filmed. Please let us know what you'd like to see!!

Brad and Eric 

5 years ago (edited) • Eric & Brad

Happy Pride Month!! :)  We're back!!! Our video comes out June 7th 12:00PM PST!!! :D
We're back with a hiking vlog just like the good old days. This time, we are in Malibu for Eric's birthday!! Sorry for not posting very much, we hope you'll come back and watch our video! We've been working on improving our content quality, so please check it out. 

If you don't already, follow us on Instagram! It's where we're most active :)

5 years ago • Eric & Brad

2019!!!  New Videos coming soon!! Follow @bradanderic on Instagram for updates!! ♥️😍 

5 years ago • Eric & Brad

Just finished our yearly Holiday Card! Who wants one 😉 

5 years ago • Eric & Brad


5 years ago • Eric & Brad

Because we're a long distance couple, it's difficult to always film videos together. Would you guys mind if we posted videos that are non-couple related? 

Only videos with Bradley and Eric!! - Less frequent posting is ok

Individual videos are fine! - We want more frequent videos

215 votes

5 years ago (edited) • Eric & Brad

San Francisco Pride Vlog Out TODAY at 3PM EST!!  #Breric