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The bus is a metaphor.
Today I learned #041 — Lost is good
Today I learned #040 — Live your life.
We're all in this together man
Today I learned #038 — Effort compounds.
Today I learned #036 — Invest in friends.
Today I learned #035 — Act quick.
Today I learned #034 — Friends help.
Today I learned #033 — Fight till the end.
Today I learned #032 — Fun together.
Today I learned #031 — One day you’ll miss it.
Things will go to shit…
Today I learned #026 — Sharing is caring.
Today I learned #025 — I’m extremely lucky.
Today I learned #024 — Get it over with.
Today I learned #023 — Get uncomfortable.
Today I learned #022 — Go sleep in a tent.
Today I learned #021 — Now not how.
Today I learned #020 — Sometimes I’d rather share a memory than a learning.
Today I learned #019 — Always try.
Today I learned #018 – Do it for your in-an-hour self #youtubenewwave
Today I learned #017 — Do things alone! #youtubenewwave
You’ll sometimes think different. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
When should I ask? #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Let sailed ships sail. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Go have some fun. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Today’s 8h editing sesh got me overexcited about some flowers lol #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
The obstacle is the way. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Pull when pushing doesn’t work. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Life’s an adventure movie - you need a good soundtrack. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Share your work #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Look a little closer #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Do something for your soul #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Life is full of paradoxes #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
sometimes you gotta pick a fight you'll never win  #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
Don't wait for the round hour. #youtubenewwave #todayilearned
The only ones who make no mistakes are the ones who do nothing. #youtubenewwave #ytnewwave
Here's to becoming a lifelong learner!
Go do something fun! #youtubenewwave
What’s waiting on the other side of fear?? #youtubenewwave
We’re back baby! #youtubenewwave
You're more capable than you might imagine.
Most Undervalued Skill of the 21st Century
How Does The Pareto Principle Work?  #youtubenewwave
Habit 1: Say Thank You More #youtubenewwave
Slow down from time to time...  #youtubenewwave
One of the craziest trips of my life for sure. #youtubenewwave
Creativity is scary, and that’s okay.