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Getting a JOB: Rust vs C++ #rust #cpp #coding #jobs
Best command to FIX your Git commit history #git #development
Keep it SIMPLE! #coding #softwareengineer #mvp #learning
Learn programming for the right reasons, NOT for the money! #coding #softwaredevelopment #advice
use American dates and UTC timestamps for FREE file sorting #coding #filesystem
USE PATH UTILS when dealing with the file system!  #coding #filesystem #bug
Why you should ALWAYS Google coding ERRORS! #mistakes #coding #software #debug
INSTALL THIS TOOL If You Code on Windows #coding #windows #powertoys
DO THIS if you're sharing a Git Repository #git #coding #opensource #softwareengineer
Why you SHOULDN'T always use Docker Containers in CI Pipelines #docker #cicd #pipelines
Is This The BEST Git Command? #git #interactive #hack #coding #software
how I started LEARNING C++ when I was a STUDENT #cpp #projects #programming #students
Can't we Rewrite EVERYTHING in Rust? #rust #cpp #coding
is NodeJs WORSE than Golang + HTMX? #golang #nodejs #javascript #htmx
Why LONDON is EXPENSIVE for Software Engineers #sofrwareengineer #pay #london
The TRUTH About Live Coding vs Edited Programming Videos #coding #stream
turn your RASPBERRY PI into a C++ IDE! #project #coding
check how FAST your C++ code runs with this FREE tool! #benchmark #cpp #coding #programming
How to elegantly read ENTIRE files in C++ #cpp #coding #softwareengineer #files
The BEST way to create multiple directories with "mkdir" #terminal #mkdir #bash #shell #commands
Do you know this terminal hack? Find your previously used commands in your shell history!