1 day ago β€’ typecraft

Gearing up for a new course! 

2 weeks ago β€’ typecraft

Would you be interested in a video of how this went? 

2 weeks ago β€’ typecraft

Sneak peak of a video coming soon (it’s about vim) 

1 month ago β€’ typecraft

We are set to drop a new video where a LOT of your questions get answered. In the meantime, how sick does this book look? 

1 month ago β€’ typecraft

Someone asked in a comment when to use a Tmux pane vs a window vs a new session. Check out our latest short ( https://youtube.com/shorts/-0s9HWQhuKg ) to learn how I use all of them to work from the backend to the frontend to implement features. 

1 month ago β€’ typecraft

Want to see me install/configure linux on a Framework Laptop?
(and then cover really cool linux tools!?) 



get back to work, nerd!

1.4K votes

1 month ago β€’ typecraft

Tmux course recording is under way! 

1 month ago β€’ typecraft

What a gorgeous tmux config. If only someone would make a little course on tmux and tmux configuration.... 

2 months ago β€’ typecraft

Guys. Neovim is looking good in this 

2 months ago β€’ typecraft

Made a pretty terminal setup