3 years ago • David Revoy

😅 You probably saw about the ten  #krita  Livestreams that appeared suddently this morning in your notifications: that was an accident. My fault for switching them from "unlisted" to "public"(they were accessible via a playlist only so far). Sorry for the noise in your notifications and thanks for the comment who alerted me about it. 

Theses livestreams were all done two years ago every wednesday around the release of Krita 4.0 ; they are not outdated about the brushes and the content; Krita 4.2 and 4.3 generation being still very similar to 4.0. I unlisted them because at that time I disliked the "replay" of Livestream format; I thought they were long and boring. But I realised now that they are good resources for audience who can browse the timeline and jump to a part of the process and listen a precise step realtime and with comments on the top. That's why I wanted them part of my main "video page" profile on Youtube.

Accepting them this way is a small step toward being enough confident to redo Livestream in the future; I have not totally abandoned the idea :-) Thank you for reading.