4 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hey everyone, I’ve compiled a handful of the tiny chess bots into a small game, starting from The CopyCat (with an estimated rating of 192), all the way up to the tournament winner (with a terrifying ELO of 2772). Give it a go if you’re in the mood for some chess, and let me know how many you’re able to defeat!  https://sebastian.itch.io/tiny-chess-bots 

By the way, thanks to Gediminas (co-author of smol.cs), we now have estimated ratings for all the bots that took part. You can have a look at those over here:  https://github.com/SebLague/Tiny-Chess-Bot-Challenge-Results/blob/main/RatingsList.txt 

6 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hi everyone, the source code for the fluid simulation is now up over here if you'd like to take a look:  https://github.com/SebLague/Fluid-Sim 

Also, to any of you who took part in the chess challenge, sorry about the long wait for the results! I am working on it :) 

Coding Adventure: Simulating Fluids

Sebastian Lague

6 months ago • 1,589,861 views

7 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hey everyone -- a final reminder that there's just a few days left in the chess coding challenge. Submissions will be closed once it's no longer October 1st anywhere in the world (i.e. Oct 2,  14:00  CEST). Please note that it will take some (uncertain amount of) time for me to look through all the bots, run the tournament, and to make a video about it, so don't expect the results right away :)

In other news, I'm almost finished editing a new coding adventure episode. It's rather long, but I hope you will enjoy it! 

8 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hello everyone, just a quick reminder that there's now one month remaining in the Tiny Chess Bot coding challenge. That's still loads of time to make something if you haven't started yet -- please don't be put off by the long duration, you can make something simple in a single afternoon if you like!

I'd also love to get an estimate of how many of you are taking part :)
Challenge page:  https://github.com/SebLague/Chess-Challenge 

I've already finished and submitted a bot

Currently working on a bot

Haven't started yet, but plan on trying later

Tried, but couldn't get the project to work

Don't plan on making a bot

15K votes

9 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hey everyone -- quick note about the chess challenge I announced recently. A number of people have encountered a bug with the board.GetPiece() function, which was a massive oversight on my part. I'm very sorry about that, and have updated the code on github to fix the mistake. If you are participating, please make sure you have the latest version (you can see more info on the Change Log section of the readme in the repo). 

9 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hey everyone -- I've recently been thinking about running a friendly little chess coding challenge. I’m not sure sure if there’re enough people who’d be interested in taking part though, so here’s a quick poll to find out!

The basic idea is that you’d be given a barebones chess engine that plays moves purely at random, and you’d need to add your own (C#) code to implement a better strategy. To encourage creativity (so that copy-pasting Stockfish’s search and evaluation is not the obvious solution!), there’d also be some kind of restriction. A good one, I think, might be to simply limit the amount of code that can be added (maybe to < 1kb for example).

The challenge would be open for a few months, and at the end I’d run a tournament with all the entries to see which is victorious, and make a little video exploring the different strategies that were implemented.

I'd love to hear your thoughts! 

I would (almost) definitely participate!

I would maybe participate

I wouldn’t participate, but curious to see the outcome

I’m not interested in this

30K votes

11 months ago • Sebastian Lague

Hi everyone! In the recent Q&A video I showed a handful of unfinished projects. I’d love to find time for all of them at some point, but I’m curious to know which one you’d be most interested in seeing completed.

(I didn’t include the fifth project because that idea has already morphed into something else that I have planned for the distant future) 

Rubik’s Cube (exploring various approaches to solving it)

Competitive Coding (2-player snake, and perhaps other challenges)

Algorithm Alphabet (a brief exploration of one topic per letter)

Our First Game (gradually building a game from your suggestions)

Not particularly interested in any of these ideas

27K votes

1 year ago • Sebastian Lague

I recently discovered that I never released the ant simulation project (from the old video about ants and slime). It's a bit buggy, but in case anyone'd still like to play around with it, it's now up over here:  https://github.com/SebLague/Ant-Simulation/tree/main 

1 year ago • Sebastian Lague

Hey everyone, the source code for the Ray Tracing video is now up on github in case you'd like to take a look:  https://github.com/SebLague/Ray-Tracing  (reminder: it's very slow!) 

1 year ago • Sebastian Lague

Hi everyone, I've finally completed that checklist (and then some), and so the new version of the Digital Logic Sim is now available for download over here:  https://sebastian.itch.io/digital-logic-sim 
There're still so many things I want to add, but if you do give it a try, I'd love to hear your feedback on the current version!