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A Tornado Almost Hit Andrew Jackson's House
Summing up "nobody lives in red" and "everybody lives in red" videos so you don't have to watch them
Literally Anybody Else is Running for President
What if the Electoral College is Tied?
We all used to be farmers
The Tallest and Shortest American Presidents
The Man Who Sued God
No One's Name Was Changed At Ellis Island
Where U.S. Presidents Grew Up
How many wars are currently going on?
Why doesn't South America get hurricanes?
Legal Marijuana 10 Years Later
How Many U.S. Representatives Live Outside Their Districts?
Which Presidents Had the Lowest and Highest Approval?
How Many Have Been Kicked Out of Congress?
The Other KKK
Do we need younger presidents?
Why is this giant eyeball sitting in downtown Dallas?
The Only Presidents Who Would Have Won a Third Term
Impeachment Attempts Against Presidents
When was the first presidential debate?
What year is it? It depends on who you ask.
Which member of Congress owned the most slaves?
Donald Trump's Forgotten First Presidential Run
The Lie That Led to Millions Dying
Why do women live longer than men?
When Franklin Roosevelt Walked
When U.S. Presidents Started Wearing Pants
Congress Has Never Been Older Than It Is Right Now
What was the most boring date in history?
I stood on John Brown's nose
When Boys Wore Dresses
Vice Presidents Can Serve Forever
Moral Panics Explained
Robin Williams' Great-Great Grandpa was a big deal
Presidents Who Ran for a Third Term
That Time Shoes Attacked the President
Can the President Throw You in Jail for No Reason?
Wait, Dick Cheney and Kamala Harris Were President?
Why is the Great Salt Lake two colors?
What We Get Wrong About Life Expectancy
Why We Say "O" instead of "Zero" for Numbers
Can You Be President from Prison?
Idaho could soon look like it's giving you the middle finger
Important Historical Dates Every American Remembers
Why Does Mr. Beat Hate Franklin Roosevelt?
The U.S. House of Representatives Has Never Been Less Representative
Humans Are Killing All Other Animals