1 year ago (edited) • janecummag

I'm looking for correspondents for Janecum Magazine that can film interviews with either their local skate shop or skate park. I especially need someone who can do it consistently in both the LA skate scene and the New York City scene (but also open to anyone who can interview their scene, even if you live in Nebraska somewhere). 

I can pay you $20 per video (and more if the video performs well, amount TBD)

I need you to film with an external mic (holding your iphone mic up to the interviewee will work) 

You can also film this with your phone as long as it is horizontal and filming 16:9 aspect ratio (should be the default for holding iphone sideways).

For those interested, please send me a message on Janecum Mag's Instagram account (@janecummag).

Thank you,