2 years ago • Sean Shuping

Figured it was time to start experimenting again.
Micro PC RAM upgrade. Wanted to break the monotony and try something new. I was thinking 5 node Rancher cluster?... But I really h8 k8s. Maybe micro stack  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Any suggestions? 

2 years ago • Sean Shuping

The last couple of months have been pretty rough. I've had no time or motivation to do anything in the lab. This too shall pass I guess. 

2 years ago • Sean Shuping

Thinking of trying something different and doing longer live stream experiments on the channel. What you folks think? 

Hell yeah! I'd watch that

Nah, I prefer short polished demo's

20 votes

3 years ago • Sean Shuping

Video about deploying a production ready HA Openstack. 
What would you rather see... 

10-15 minute experiment crammed with tips and tricks

15-45 minute Deep dive

< 10 minute experiments in a multi part series

No tech demos, just a chat about concepts

33 votes

3 years ago • Sean Shuping

I got my first gig! 😁

Thank you to everyone who's subscribed!

I honestly never thought I would get past 300 subscribers. 

Who knew people would like watching videos of a geek playing with computers  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯