20 hours ago • Solomon Sassoon

lol hey chat, I appreciate how far the chat came with me but like I say sometimes chat drives me nuts but I love them no matter what, and just saying how grateful I am for the chat on my side and everything 💗💗💗💗 and just trying to always just have fun and enjoying life no matter what, and protesting which has came a far way for me, I always try to be nice to everybody no matter how upset or angry I get, but just showing some appreciation for chat and hopefully chat understands me too 💗💗💗💗🫶🏻 

4 days ago • Solomon Sassoon

Memories 1 year ago with these bikes combination from Wheels 😃 

7 days ago • Solomon Sassoon

Chat today has been crazy off with me, being assaulted and being so nieve about chats, it’s not fun, being blamed and stuff is not healthy and people just saying about my parents guess what my parents should be out of your vocabulary if your gonna say horrible stuff about them and say crap about me on chats, behave and you will be welcomed, be caring and you will be cared back, be loving you will be loved back that’s how it will work, don’t start some phony drama like I know it was not right asking Eric and WeInLA for a ride but I paid him 50 dollars for it, like sometimes I got to get my crap together but don’t blame blame blame try to be reasonable human decent human being not a stress mongering, I’m 16 I’m not 30 I’m 20 and I am learning everyday I travel alone and learn a lot from it, I have sometimes gone wild but I always improve my self everyday so please just be respectful to me, my parents and the streamers, and no more toxicity pease thanks 💗 

7 days ago • Solomon Sassoon

If you guys are interested in this bike rental where I got my bike from before when I used to rent it, this company does leasing monthly for you guys to rent to support my that works at the wear house his name is Chris to support him, check out the bike rental and let me know you have to download the app not sponsoring yet but this is recommendations for a bike lease, 30 to 20 mph on these and with Bluetooth speakers you pick it up from the wear-house or they deliver it if your from these cities, check if out to support my guy working hard for these bikes at the wear house let’s make Wheels free again from helbiz 🤣✌️🤗 

8 days ago • Solomon Sassoon

I don’t know why people keep bringing up the word curfew but it’s annoying? First I didn’t break the law any shape or form, and when I’m on vacation past 10 it’s up to me to figure out what I’m going to do when I was in Portland Oregon, people just need to stop spamming curfew and curfew nonstop, i understand already and I have repeatedly told people that I don’t like to talk about this, so now on chat we are going to ban the word curfew, and we are not gonna deal with this, I’m not 5 years old. I’m 16 and I am not like other kids who scream or whine and cry, I’m just trying to enjoy my life and be happy not worry about these things that stresses me out, I love traveling and I am always going to be traveling and not being threatened or manipulated about curfew and what they will do, I don’t care about pointless subjects like that and there is going to be some rules, remember I travel not just for content or views just to show you guys the world and to show you guys the real picture of the planet not by FAKE NEWS MEDIA and all newspapers and stations, I believe making my approach raw and fresh from the streets, and making it great 😊 so thanks but the new rules is gonna happen and I’m just getting sick and tired hearing curfew curfew curfew, unless I’m not breaking any laws, or not doing anything wrong there should be no one mentioning it a lot, I get it maybe sometimes but not so much that it seems like, it’s just irritating to hear it nonstop. 

12 days ago • Solomon Sassoon

With my filming with the robots we only have fun with them not tamper them, and we also laugh about it so people who say do you mess with them the answer is no and I am careful when around the robots we just want the robots to chop chop on deliveries 🚚 other than that the robots are free and that they should get new eyes or get it fixed at factory 😂✌️the robots just randomly turn off means they have a technical problem 🛠️ 

2 weeks ago • Solomon Sassoon

I don’t know what’s up lately, but there’s too much drama. Too much of going after one another and everything and it’s just tiring Every time. We have to be a whole community who sets to be a good example to everyone and not go after and drama. What will you get by fighting? Children fight. Like I just want people to make peace and stop fighting because it’s not healthy at all. Church of Scientology wants division. We as a community have to be United against them. We are here for the cause not to fight. I’m not in anyone’s business when it comes to it but I do think it’s important to consider because fighting with one another makes us look weak and I been a person who doesn’t enjoy the fights and there should always be a middle ground. I just hope everyone’s okay by the end of the day and I love everyone for who they are and I support everyone for what they do for the cause aswell. I just hope we can fix ourselves and keep protesting for the cause. 💗❤️💖 

2 weeks ago • Solomon Sassoon

I filed restraining order on you mother fucker ZDT, you fucking creep the whole world knows about you, how you disrespect women, and how you traumatized me, god has a place for good people and bad people, you need to respect that no one wants to be around you and get a life, or a job please, I’m gonna say that I hope he leaves me alone, and not contact me again. 

3 weeks ago • Solomon Sassoon

Chickens!!! My chicken farm and best chickens ever every morning!! Gotta love them 💗 

3 weeks ago • Solomon Sassoon

So chat, I been thinking and I want to be above and beyond, I want to keep continue protesting and freely expressing my opinions and stopping cults of Scientology from running, any ideas where you want me to go and check out? And speaking of protesting I have went into Aja’s stream today on TikTok and heard a lot of negativity and I want to address that she can do whatever she likes to do, but I’m gonna keep protesting and excersing  my first amendment, call the cops and CPS I’m not doing anything illegal in the state of California, I’m allowed to protest and go to political city council meetings, I have put more hours into this and I couldn’t be happy more about how my life is, it all started back in middle school going through things and being a better person even if I was gonna be verbally attacked, I try to be there for people even if I don’t get the respect back but I’m happy I have caring friends, and friendships that will never leave my side, so once again if you would like to share any ideas to travel that makes sense in the United States only drop it in the comments thanks. -Solomon Sassoon ❤️