4 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

Hello everyone! I have not started working on another video yet, but i finished this drawing today and i decided to make it available as a canvas print on my teespring!

Link:  https://teespring.com/new-mythical-lion?tsmac=store&tsmic=jonasolsenwoodcraft&pid=583&cid=102495 

I would very much like to hear what kind of other drawing you would like to see me make? 

Hope you all have a good day 

4 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

Hello everyone! I know i have been pretty silent here lately, but i have been drawing soem and also started running a lot which i find really great! 

Here is ghe next wood carving project i plan to put to life! 

I hope you all have a great day people! Take care of yourself, love you all! 

4 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

First off i want to thank you all for the many kind comments about my previous video. It really makes a difference and gives me motivation!

So here is the next project i will be carving. It is a jackalope. It will be pretty small carving so it might be a challenge for me to get all the details right, but i will take my time and do my best!

And i want it to look "possessed" not obsesses as i wrote on the drawing 😂 my apologies... im just a poor Norwegian

Have a good day everyone! 

5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

So actually about a year ago i had plans to make a rhino head. Well guess what, i am going to make a full bosy version of it now! It will be smaller than i want because i dont have much material, but i have ordered some really expensive walnut for my next project! 

5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

Sooo i might regret starting this project 😅 but i really feel like making something a bit more time consuming. Not sure how long it will take, but i think it will be worth it

Have a good day everyone! 

5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

Dropping my first merch today :) I dont really have a cool slogan from my videos or anything so i tried to come up with a cool design with my logo instead. I had a lot of fun designing this and i will see if i can come up with some other stuff later.

Merch Store:  https://teespring.com/stores/jonasolsenwoodcraft 

The plan is to start designing the next wood carving project tomorrow and i have a pretty clear idea :)

Have a good day everyone! 

5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

What a mess! Hopefully i will be able to put it together for you in a couple of days :D 


5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

Teaser for my new project. I do not think it will look as you expect it to in the end :D 

Have a good day everyone! 

5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

Hello everyone! The two winners for the giveaway has just been picked!

- First Winner: @Aryeh Lebowitz
- Second Winner: @Jon Jessup

Congratulations! Please contact me 
jonasolsengiveaways@outlook.com to claim your prizes. (The winners will be asked to make a certain comment under this post after they contact me to verify their identity)

I thank you all for participating!

For my next video i am going to make a few drawings and try to go in depth about how i think when i make them and perhaps talk a little about future stuff here on the channel. I also have a VERY GOOD idea for a wood carving project, but i will have to order some material for it first :)

Have a good day everyone 

5 years ago • Jonas Olsen Woodcraft

I want to celebrate hitting 100k Subscribers with you all and that is why i am running a giveaway! Thank you all so much for getting me to this milestone :)  The prizes are two wolf pendants handmade by me and the rules for this giveaway is going to be fairly simple. 

- Prize #1 Black wolf pendant
- Prize #2 Brown wolf pendant
(shipping will be prepaid and the giveaway is international) 

Rules to enter:
- Comment on this post

How winner will be picked:
- All entrants will be assigned their own unique number in an excel file. A random number will be picked and the winner will be announced in a post when the giveaway is over. The first winner will get to choose which one of the two prizes he/she wants and the pendant left over will then be given to the second winner. 

Start time and deadline of giveaway:
- Start: March 5th, 2019 17:30 Central European Time
- End: March 12th, 2019 17:30 Central European Time

Good luck all and have a good day
- Jonas