11 months ago • Battletide

Some big boxes are in, unboxing video coming soon!  Can you guess what I got? 

1 year ago • Battletide

Neko girls incoming... Working on next video, which will be my 1 year anniversary video... which aims to compete with the scale and epicness of my very first unboxing.  So stay tuned, and thanks everyone for the year of support! 

1 year ago • Battletide

Which Jeanne rules your heart? 

1 year ago • Battletide

New video coming this weekend!  Here's a glimpse of what to expect... 

1 year ago • Battletide

Ningguang is such an amazing figure!  Personally, I think she makes a great bottom detolf shelf figure.  From above, you can see all the fine details of her base, enticing you to kneel down to get a better look at the figure.  But, regardless what shelf you place her, she's still beautiful at any angle. 

1 year ago • Battletide

Hokusai has arrived!  Video coming this weekend! 

1 year ago • Battletide

Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been a while since I last posted a video, I've been out on vacation; but now I'm back in full swing.

I have so many figures coming in this month, I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up with all the videos I need to make.  But I plan to pump out a ton of content over the next 3 months.

Filming has started, and I have not 1, not 2, not 3… but 4 pre-ordered FGO ladies being unboxed in my next video (given they all arrive this month).

Here is sneak peak of one of those FGO ladies, which just happens to be one of the most epic FGO figures to come out in 2022!