6 months ago • Trace Dominguez

I'm working on a video about solid state batteries!! That will be out next week. I talked to an expert from the Argonne National Laboratory! This is a good video. But, that's not why I'm posting this. *ahem* If you've subbed to  @nebula  via the CuriosityStream bundle 🛑 READ THIS WHOLE POST 🛑  If you haven't -- Hi! 👋 you're great! thanks for following my channel! See you next week.

[[ Hello there 👋 Bundle Subscribers! Bund-ryebers? Subundles? ]]
Firstly, I hope you get value from your CS subscription. I do not promote things on this channel unless I actually liked them myself. Thanks for supporting me. I really do appreciate it! I also am sorry for the following confusing stuff… 

This week CS mass-emailed subscribers asking for people to renew and join 2-year subscriptions. In this email they said subscribers would get Nebula for the duration of that, however, as that guy said in Independence Day "…that's not ENTIRELY accurate." Why? Because the bundle is ending. *Nebula access for bundled CS subscribers expires on December 31st.*

So, if you joined via the CS/Nebula bundle and mainly use that bundle to watch Nebula you have options! You can unbundle your subscription, OR you can directly subscribe to Nebula separately. You can, of course, keep your CS subscription too. 

*Again, if you want to support creators (like me) you can unbundle CS/Nebula to directly subscribe to Nebula, or keep both separately. There's a link below to update your Nebula subscription.* 

If you renewed in 2023, we (i.e. Nebula) will cover your fee until the anniversary of your subscription. But again, if you want to support creators… *gesture gesture* *hand wavy hand wavy*

No matter what: I really, sincerely, appreciate your support in what I do here and on Nebula. 🩵🩵🩵

If you have detailed questions, the best place for them is on our subreddit r/Nebula. There's a confidentiality agreement in place surrounding the CS/Nebula bundle. I don't actually know what else I can and can't say. 😬  Most of this post is just a longly-worded version of Nebula CEO Dave's subreddit post (screenshot of that in images)

Yours in nerdiness 🙌,
~ trace 

8 months ago • Trace Dominguez

Hey y'all! 👋 I dropped a new video yesterday about ChatGPT and AI Large Language Models (LLMs) featuring my friend  @JordanHarrod ! Do you trust ChatGPT? You shouldn't. The thing is, it may NEVER be able to fact check itself, not really. Think about it; how do we create a mathematical formula to check if a fact is 'true' or 'false'? Is that even possible? 

AI LLMs over-confident, have no way to fact check themselves, and never tell you "I don't know." Most don't even compare their answers with a search engine! These models literally creating paragraphs using statistics. That's it. They're powerful tools, but not "intelligent" or "creative." 

There's a ton in this video, and you have two options to watch it: 🕹️ YouTube OR ⭐ Nebula. And on  @nebula , the video is 10 minutes longer, with way more interview and ChatGPT generated script in the "style of trace dominguez" -- which is pretty darn funny. 

If you're not on Nebula -- now's a good time to join. We're running a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP deal for this month only. Pay once: get access as long as Nebula exists. Period. Plus I get 1/3 of the membership fee _today_! 

✨ Use my link (in the comments) and get Nebula forever. ✨ 

1 year ago • Trace Dominguez

Hey y'all! Do you remember  @jhug111  from DNews / Seeker days? He and I have been friends now for a long time, and like any two friends it was only a matter of time before we looked deeply into each others eyes and murmured: "Should we start a podcast?" 

On April 1, 2023 we launched the trailer for "That's Absurd Please Elaborate" a podcast where we each research a silly question using all the tools in our science video tool belt. 

Link to Apple Podcasts >>>  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thats-absurd-please-elaborate/id1680094699 
Link to Spotify >>>  https://open.spotify.com/show/6JOkmJBsVOuODHarxzmotZ?si=bbd7324faa1f4d7d 
Link to our Linktree >>>  https://linktr.ee/thatsabsurdshow 

We're even on Nebula (or will be once Eric get's to flipping the switch). 

If you want to submit a question to our podcast (please do!) that link is here:  https://notionforms.io/forms/have-an-absurd-question 

Some of the questions are pretty ridiculous, "like what are thoughts made of" or "should we mine poop for minerals?" or "Can fish drown?" Can you imagine if we seriously researched some of these things? For example, when asked "What if there were more sheep than people *everywhere* (instead of just in New Zealand)," not only did Julian *do the math,* but he also calculated the environmental impact of replacing cows with sheep (it's surprising!), and looked up actual stats as to where there _are more sheep than people already_!

If you're into podcasts, I think you're going to like this. If you're not, maybe this can be your gateway? To listen, search your favorite podcast app and give it a follow. We'll drop the first episodes in the coming weeks! 

As always, THANK YOU for being here. Speaking of HERE I've hired an editor and y'all it's going to be so much easier to make videos now. We're finishing a new video for this channel right meow! I'll upload it in a few days, so get ready for that too. Love y'all thanks again. 

~ trace 

1 year ago • Trace Dominguez

Buddy is coming back by popular demand 😆😆😆 the video is coming SUPER SOON (just finishing up the edit now). 

1 year ago • Trace Dominguez

I don’t know who knows this, but I host an astronomy show on  @PBS  television! Each week on Star Gazers I point out things you can see in the night sky. I customize it for that week, and almost always focus on things you can see with no special equipment or training. The shows been on the air since the 1970s and I’m super honored to be their latest presenter. But I’m also proud of them for being willing to experiment… we’ve started trying to make astronomy videos that can be watched anytime and be useful for people who want to look up and know what they’re seeing. 

Check it out, and tell me what you think. This is a brand new thing for  @SouthFloridaPBS  so your feedback will definitely help to shape what we’re working on! 

New videos on this channel are on the way too!  #keeplookingup !


5 Tips for the Best Stargazing Experience | Star Gazers

South Florida PBS

1 year ago • 2,448 views

1 year ago • Trace Dominguez

Just another day at the office… hosting a few things at World Congress of Science and Factual Producers in Glasgow  #Scotland  this week! Pitching ideas and trying to get more business to support my channel!

(I wasn’t supposed to go in the TARDIS, but they left the key in the door! Is it bigger on the inside? I’ll never tell 😏) *cue Dr Who music* 

1 year ago • Trace Dominguez

When you make videos about all sorts of strange topics for a living, you have to work on a lot of skills. 

Some of the obvious ones are writing, reading a teleprompter, and making sure you don't scratch your butt on camera. We call these, "the basics." But, being a damn good science communicator really requires ONE SKILL above all others: Googling stuff. Googling stuff REAL GOOD. 

After a decade of working in this field, I'm really, really good at finding things on the internet. But I can't keep this power all to myself… so, I spilled my secrets in this new Nebula Class! (it's only one part, so it's _technically_ a "Nebula Talk" but that just means it's easier to binge!). 

I'm a co-owner of Nebula, so I (of course) want you to go join and watch and learn a bunch of stuff about Googling, but if that's not enticing you can learn about music or movies or whatever else too. (I don't want this to feel like an ad for Nebula Classes, I'm honestly just excited for the Class™… er, Talk™) 

Go watch it, and tell me what you think and what you'd want to see me make a class about in the comments! 

Here's a link to the Talk:  https://nebula.tv/how-to-google-like-a-pro?ref=tracedominguez 
And a link to sign up for Nebula so I get some credit, in case that's something you're wont to do:

1 year ago • Trace Dominguez

Hey y'all! I've been really busy behind the scenes shooting things for clients but ALSO a secret project that was probably the BIGGEST production I've ever been on! It was SO. AWESOME. I can't actually tell you what it is yet, because it's not ready, but once it is I am pretty sure you're going to like it. What I *CAN* do is share a few behind the scenes photos to give you an idea of the scope of this beast 🤯🤯🤯

It was a shoot that spanned a week and a half, with different outfits and science-things happening every day and miles and miles of scripts and fun stuff all with my new BFF  @ScienceWithSophie  ! She's a GEM 💎, and I cannot believe I had never met her until now. Since we're now the bestest friends I'm sure we'll be working together more. 

Anyway, now that we've (mostly) wrapped on this project I'll be making a video for y'all! Any suggestions, you know where to put 'em -- see you soon nerd fam! 🌌 🔭 🤩 

2 years ago • Trace Dominguez

New video out TOMORROW!!! I'm excited to get a video out to y'all (especially about this topic). There are so many little animation touches and sound effects in this video and I LOVE THEM ALL. This one was really fun to put together. 💕 SEE YOU IN THE MORNING 🌅

Can you guess what the video is about from these gifs?