11 days ago (edited) • How-D


There is now an OFFICIAL How-D Minecraft Server! (Java only for now)

It was made by our very own @man who's been investing lots of time and resources into it. 

It's packed with tons of fun features for Minecraft enthusiasts and How-D enthusiasts alike to enjoy.
Feel free to join the official How-D Minecraft Discord Server for more information (also owned and run by @man)

How-D Minecraft Discord! 

1 month ago • How-D

Howdy fellas!

As some of you may know, I just bought a house. 
And as some of you may not know, houses require lots of time and maintenance. 

So, until I'm able to renovate it to the point where I can get settled, videos will likely be less frequent. I'll still be either uploading a video or streaming at least once a week. But the 5-day upload schedule will probably become more like a 7+ day upload schedule for a while. But I'll do my best to stream when I can to fill any gaps.

Even so, I'm still putting tons of effort into maintaining the quality of my content.

I'll hopefully be able to find a new normal and resume the usual 5-day schedule before long, but I'll keep you guys posted.

Thanks, love yall <3