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Stop Waiting To Live Your Dream Life
Soul fam always finds each other
RUN DEEP SIS! No one can minimize your depth!
Tune into Highest Self Podcast Episode with Rainier Wylde #heartbreak
Stop scrolling, take a breath and be present
Who are you a combination of?
We'd love to have you apart of our goddesses!
Drop your favorite dance move in the comments!
Your weird is what makes you YOU
Feeling, receiving and releasing...
you can find JOY, even while you are HEALING
JOY HEALS #iamsahararose #joy #healing #spirituality #spiritualhealing
Try My Favorite Dirty Rose Chai Using ANIMA MUNDI HERBAL
Light is birthed from darkness...
What is love?
What’s your personal mantra?
The perfect song to remind your of your worth
one version of yourself that brings you pure bliss!💕
How Your Fantasies Could Be Signs of Codependency
Why play it safe when you can live out loud? 🔥
Ever notice the surge of happiness when you drop the worry about others’ opinions? 🔥
Step into your fullest expression as a Certified Embodiment Coach!
For Those Going Through a Big Transition
God is my dom one year later...
POV: You discovered your dharma realizing the truth of who you are
Why the Feminine Approach to Healing Is Through Embodiment
Tune into Highest Self Podcast Episode with Rosie Acosta #bestfriendthings
Walking through life with bravery, and grace
What is a little thing that gives you joy?
What have you learned during your time on your own?
Learn More About My Free Embodiment Practice
My non negotiable daily practice
Do you ever come across people whose energy you are extremely drawn to?
Your soul is GORGEOUS #soul #beautifulsoul #healing #spiritual #spirituality #iamsahararose
Are You Looping Around the Same Problems?
Your purpose has been written deeply into your soul
The sweetest most gentle little soul #butterfly #maltipoo #transformation #metamorphosis
Listen to Highest Self Podcast Episode: Why The Feminine Path To Healing Is Through Embodiment
The spiritual journey is meant to be FUN!
Sometimes it’s not about what we add to our lives
You've integrated your dark feminine
you deserve the whole feast with the fancy silverware and the nice china
*currently merging with art* HBU?
art, beauty, sensuality
Where have you had a past life in?
Would you do this?!
You ARE the vibe you've been waiting for!