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DJ gig tips ⚑ Keep crowds interested..
Apple Music Streaming Comes To Djay Pro (on all platforms!)
Back to basics: Do this BEFORE any DJ set πŸ‘€
NEW ✨ Traktor X1 Mk3 feature overview
DON'T buy the Prime 4 or Prime 4+ (yet!)
Track selection: take risks or play it safe?
The best place to share DJ mixes πŸ’―
πŸ“£ 2 ways DJs get "famous"
This DJ app lets you create YouTube video mixes, speed up your workflow, and more 🀯
5 KEY features on Reloop's Mixon 8 Pro controller ⚑
3 steps to a clean, simple DJ library 😌
5 things DJs should know about the Pioneer DJ Opus Quad 🧐
Beginner DJs ⏩ Here's an easy way to learn manual beatmixing..
Props to Hercules DJ for adding this feature πŸ“Ά
Do you use Engine DJ? Now you can beatgrid on the fly, even flexible gridding AND streaming
DJ livestreaming solution in a box ⚑ YoloBox Pro
These DJ cables are well priced, high quality πŸ‘€
Listen to records on the go πŸš€
New Pioneer DJ TRAKTOR DJ Controller - Kind of!
DJ with Rekordbox on your phone πŸ“± Exclusive sneak peek!
A button that mixes for you.. πŸ‘€ DDJ-FLX4
DJ wirelessly on a phone!? 🀯 DDJ-FLX4 + Rekordbox
New Serato controller ⚑ DDJ-FLX4
Smart CFX button ⏺️ DDJ-FLX4
Just released πŸ”₯ The DDJ-FLX4
DJ tip for finding local club promoters 🀝
How long does it take for new DJs to get a gig? ⚑
Beginner tips for mixing drum & bass πŸ₯πŸŽΈ
How vinyl DJs see waveforms in a dark club πŸ’‘
Why turntables have a flashing light 🚨
⏩ How to switch from DJ controllers to CDJs
How to get an overhead shot for your DJ livestream πŸ“Έ
Promote yourself! πŸ“± [5 Steps To DJing Success]
Play a gig πŸ”₯ [5 Steps To DJing Success]
Master the basics πŸ‘Œ [5 Steps To DJing Success]
Know your music 🎡 [5 Steps To DJing Success]
Learn your gear 🎧 [5 Steps To DJing Success]
The best way to light your DJ gear πŸ’‘
Summer Reading πŸ“š [DJ Edition]
This DJ laptop stand is AWESOME ✨
Mic issues during a DJ livestream? Try this fix βœ…
Serato DJ Tips: "Help! I loaded the WRONG track!" πŸ˜…
Want happy crowds? Use the "45 minute" strategy ⏰
"Should I learn to DJ or produce first?"🎚️🎹
Dancing β‰  Success
‴️ Level up your DJ set with this one tip..
"Older DJs" will book more gigs because of this..
Software tips for DJs on a budget πŸ«°πŸ’°