1 day ago • Feli from Germany

It’s May 1st, which means today is a holiday in Germany and many other countries across the world! 🥳 It’s Labor Day, or “Tag der Arbeit” in German. 

This day is dedicated to workers’ rights, which is why there are usually lots of protests and political events all over Germany. Funny enough, this holiday may have come up in my newest video about NAZI LAWS THAT STILL EXIST TODAY! The historical background here is super interesting! Check it out if you haven’t already!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtHcS...  

But May 1st wears many hats in Germany, so to say! 😅 There are a lot of cultural traditions connected to this day & time of year to celebrate the beginning of the warm season. As I mentioned yesterday, last night is often referred to as “Walpurgisnacht” or “Tanz in den Mai” (Dance into May), and many places across Germany host Maifeste (May Festivals). Some of them are just today, while others go on for a few days or even a couple of weeks. In Bavaria, they often include beer tents, live music, rides, food stands, and other attractions 😊

A big part of the May festivities is the Maibaum (Maypole). In many parts of Germany, each village, town, or even district within a bigger city sets up their pole around May 1, often with a big celebratory event. 

One fun aspect of this tradition is that neighboring villages try to steal each other’s poles. People actually have to guard their town’s pole overnight, and if one party actually manages to steal a pole, they start negotiating a compensation to return it to the owners. (The compensation is often beer 🍻)

Does your country have a holiday today? Do you celebrate Labor Day, Maifest, or both? 

Labor Day



3.8K votes

2 days ago • Feli from Germany

Today, it’s time to dance into May 💃

The night before May 1st has a lot of traditions in Germany! In some parts of Germany, it’s referred to as “Walpurgisnacht,” which originates in German folklore. The story goes that witches meet up at the mountain Brocken in central Germany to dance and celebrate.

It’s evolved into a night of pranks, especially among kids and teens. Think of it like Mischief Night in the US, so the night before Halloween. I grew up calling it “Freinacht” (free night) and I remember playing harmless pranks on the neighbors and covering cars in toilet paper with my friends. However, when it’s taken too far, Freinacht can lead to some serious material damage on cars, houses, or street signs.

Another tradition that takes place in many parts of Germany is “Tanz in den Mai” (dance into May) where people gather to greet the month of May and the warm season! Traditionally, these events include music and dancing and sometimes even a bonfire. In Bavaria, many towns host a Maifest (May Festival) for a few days, which is usually a beer festival, similar to Oktoberfest, but smaller.

Now aside from the cultural meaning, May 1st is also Labor Day in Germany, “Tag der Arbeit,” which is a federal holiday. More on that tomorrow!

Have you ever heard of these traditions? And what are your plans tonight - are you dancing into May? 😃 

5 days ago • Feli from Germany

Sometimes, there are German words that just describe a situation perfectly. This is definitely one of them! I mean, who hasn't ignored their cord situation until it's a total tangled mess? 

7 days ago • Feli from Germany

Can't wait for summer to be here! 🌴

(These photos were taken in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic last year.) 

8 days ago • Feli from Germany

Aaaaaand I got another poll for you! 😊 Which of these videos do you wanna see next? 


15 German Words the World Keeps Saying WRONG!

German Reacts to HOGAN'S HEROES

12 Companies you didn’t know were German!

Prisons in Germany vs. USA - which system is better?

11K votes

8 days ago • Feli from Germany

Hey guys! 😊 It's been a while since we've done one of these but please vote below, which of these video topics you're interested in the most! 👇 

These German Laws are Leftovers From the Nazi Regime!

Why America’s Obsession With Race Feels Odd to Germans

Why German cities don’t have skyscrapers

Reacting to German (?) Scenes in Hollywood Movies [Pt. 4]

Things you THOUGHT were German that actually AREN'T

9.9K votes

9 days ago • Feli from Germany

Today is the Day of German Beer as it's the 508th anniversary of the German purity law (= Reinheitsgebot)! 🍻 If you wanna find out what the purity law is exactly, how it changed over time, and what makes German beer so special, be sure to check out this video that I made last year 👉  https://youtu.be/XVIHxQVj7t0  

and if you wanna learn how to pronounce all of these German beer brands correctly, check out this video 👉  https://youtu.be/fDGwQ1PJiio 

9 days ago • Feli from Germany

Happy Earth Day! 🌎
Did you know there's an official theme to Earth Day 2024? It's Planet vs. Plastics!
One small change you'll notice if you're traveling to Germany this summer is the twist-off caps on plastic bottles for things like sodas or water bottles. Normally, the caps unscrew completely, but starting in July 2024, an EU-wide law comes into effect that changes that.
The new law requires plastic bottles of under 3 liters to have "tethered caps." Basically, the caps will be connected to the bottle by a thin strip of plastic. The reason for this law is to cut back on plastic littering. Especially on beaches, it's common to find bottlecaps strewn across the sand, and of course, they end up in the ocean from there.
Have you seen these tethered caps in Europe lately?
What are some of the things you do to minimize plastic waste? 😊
For more:  https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/ratgeber/lass-den-deckel-dran-tethered-caps-100.html 

12 days ago • Feli from Germany

It's been one year since I released this video.
I knew that it was a topic that many people in the US and other countries were wondering about, but I've even heard from teachers who have shown it in their classes! That's honestly one of the biggest compliments there is! That the research and work I put into these kinds of videos is actually of value and helps people to learn new things and gain new perspectives. That's the whole reason why I started my channel to begin with. 🫶 

13 days ago • Feli from Germany

https://youtu.be/zrF-FPNuyLg  👉5 Things I Would Change About the USA (if I could)!
After I talked about the things I would change about Germany after living in the US for 7 years, it's about time for the counterpart! These are the things I would change about the US, if I had the power to do so. What would YOU change if you could? 🤔