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#icunurse #nurse #crnaschool #srna
Do you have a union? #shorts #nurse
Comment your best tips for learners #srna #crna #crnaschool #nurse #shorts #icunurse
Check the channel for more CRNA school content! #shorts #nurse #icunurse #crnaschool #srna #crna
CRNA school is flying by-I’m so grateful and enjoying the process #crna #crnaschool #shorts #nurse
How to write resumes for CRNA school! #shorts #nurse #crna #crnaschool #srna
Did you have to take the GRE? #shorts #crna #crnaschool #srna #rrna #nurse
What are your nightshift nausea foods? Mine are cup noodles & applesauce #shorts #nurse
How’s the skin? 🤨 #nurse #icu #nursingstudent  #shorts
What did you do between nursing school & your first job? #shorts #nurse #nursingstudent
Comment a tip for new grad nurses! Check out the full CCA podcast episode #nurse #crna #srna #shorts
What do YOU think about bedside handoff in situations like this? #icunurse #shorts #crna #srna
The nurse who asks questions is ALWAYS the safer nurse! #srna #travelnurse #newgradnurse #shorts
The key to caring for critically ill patients is to TRUST your assessment and report changes!#shorts
All you have is your assessment. Feel confident and trust it. #icunurse #crna #criticalcare
The key to traveling before CRNA school is high acuity and skills.#crna #srna #icunurse #travelnurse
Travel nursing can help OR hurt your CRNA school application. #crna #srna #travelnurse #shorts
Pain control is essential to optimize outcomes. Understand the meds we give! #srna #icunurse #shorts
We never use the Q word. Quiet patients don't mean the pain is always controlled.#srna #crna #shorts
Do you do this? #crna #srna #gradschool
Hot take: study to UNDERSTAND not to memorize! #crna #shorts #srna #crnaschool
What’s your favorite beverage? #nurse #srna #shorts
What would be the top reason you'd want to travel nurse? #shorts
The first month of didactic wasn't easy. I'm so grateful for my friends, Caleb, and @chrissyCRNA.
I’m grateful for our team, as a full time SRNA I couldn’t do it alone! #nurse #crna #srna #rrna
Where would you travel? #nurse #shorts #travelnurse
Do you have nightshift nausea? #nurse #shorts
What's your study setup? In this vlog, I prep for my first semester of didactic. #srna #shorts
Where did you start as a new grad? Were you told you needed to start somewhere else? #nurse #shorts
CRNA school has been unlike anything I've encountered before. #srna #crna #icunurse
What's one of the things you love about nursing? #shorts #crna #nursingstudents
These messages never get old. Educating nurses to feel more confident themselves. #shorts #crna
Why would I go back to CRNA school? Remember, the possibilities are endless. #crna #srna #shorts
Grateful for the opportunity to do what I love; continue to learn and educate others! #nurse #shorts
I’m a morning and afternoon type of student-how about you? #shorts #crnaschool #crna #srna #rrna
Time management and Outsourcing: What are your favorite tips? #shorts #srna #travelnurse #rrna
Here's from our growing pharmacology library at CCA. #crna #tasrna #travelnurse #newnurse #shorts
Diverse experience keeps you well-rounded, engaged, and learning. #shorts #srna #travelnurse #crna
Family in codes - whats your opinion?  Check out the full episode on our YouTube or podcast. #shorts
Family in codes - whats your opinion?  Check out the full episode on our YouTube or podcast. #shorts
PTO is part of your total compensation. Take it.  Where's your next trip planned?  #nurse #shorts
How do you record during a code? Here's mine as a traveler! #shorts #criticalcare #icu #nurse #srna
While it hasn't been a full year of CRNA school yet, I'm so grateful for the past two semesters!
What are your thoughts on this?   See the full video on our YouTube.   #nurse #shorts
HOT TAKE: I'm glad I didn't apply to CRNA school at my one-year mark. #shorts
Juggling of the lines is an art form of its own.  #shorts #nurses #criticalcarenursing
What questions do you have about the CRNA school process?  #shorts
If I could tell 2020 Anna to keep going, I would.  #shorts #travelnurse