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Romance is a game of hide-and-seek
Men's greatest enemy
The cat decides which milk is best
Population level observation v/s personal level observation
The illusion of perfectionism.
A dating tip for men
How to tackle perfectionism
Boundaries are necessary in relationships
Why love languages are a hoax
A punishment should reduce the frequency of the target behavior
How women make it difficult to love them
Common problems men and women face nowadays
Most arguments are pointless
The benefits of marrying someone who earns as much as you
Strike when the iron is cold
Women date and mate for gain
The type of emotion doesn't matter, its intensity does
Why my content rubs some people the wrong way
Be careful about punishing people
One person can't be everything for anyone
Patience and understanding are key
The more attractive you are the bigger the discount
The two personas of a woman
The all-or-nothing mindset
Modern women have a marketing problem
Pain is more intense than pleasure
Every woman is two women
A common trap men fall into
Men need to be visibly competent
The West needs to be more accepting of human nature
Being famous is like being a woman
Is the concept of monogamy outdated?
The power of NO
The reality of dating apps
Be careful of how you spend your golden hours
The impact of dating apps on women
Spend your resources judiciously
The grass is greener on the other side
A skill all women should learn
We don't have good models for relationships
Women initiate indirectly with plausible deniability
Men's default is to wait
Women have more power than they know
Women need to be part of the solution
Are we discovering them or are we creating them?
Everyone settles in one way or another
The business of suffering
You don't need a buddy