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Quick tip for creating string variables for typography in #figma #tips #shorts
Quick tips for creating variables in #figma #shorts
How to use open sessions to collaborate with anyone #figjam #shorts
Apply variables to gradients in Figma #shorts #figma
How to use #FigJam cursor chat in team meetings #shorts
Figma Trivia: Variables
Figma Trivia: Company Facts
How to add washi tape and placeholder stickies #figjam #shorts
How to play FigJam music #figjam #shorts
3 quick tips for copying and pasting in Figma #shorts #tutorial #design
How to swap FigJam stickies #figjam #shorts
#Config2024 speaker drop.
How to export layer without its fill in #figma #shorts #tutorial  #figmadesign
Quick exporting tip in #figmadesign  #shorts #tutorial #figma
Using the Bulk export panel in #figma #design #shorts  #tutorial
Using the Slice tool in #figma #shorts #tutorial #figmadesign
Sort and summarize stickies in seconds with FigJam AI #figjam #shorts
Sticky scroll updates in #figma #shorts
Generate a diagram in seconds with FigJam AI #figjam #shorts
Clean up your #figma file with advanced prototyping #trailer #shorts #design #prototype
Generate a meeting board in seconds with FigJam AI #figjam #shorts
User journey maps in FigJam - Trailer
What are design tokens?
What are design tokens and aliasing?
Learning Figma as a product person #shorts
4 Variable updates in #figma #shorts #figmadesign
Prototype with variables in Figma #shorts
Inline preview in Figma! #shorts #Config2023
Wrapping is now available in Figma! #Config2023 #shorts
Let's make a switch in Figma #shorts
How to improve collaboration between designers and developers #shorts
Let's make a bouncy accordion in Figma #shorts
Designers 🤝 Developers #shorts
Handy layer shortcuts in Figma! #shorts
Tables are now available in FigJam! #shorts
Figma for UX writers trailer #shorts
Making red envelopes in Figma! #shorts
5 useful shortcuts in Figma (Part 2)
Spell check in Figma and FigJam! #shorts
Create a hamburger menu transition in Figma #shorts
Videos are now available in Figma! #shorts
5 useful shortcuts in Figma (Part 1)
Create an action menu with smart animate in Figma
How to create a shareable study guide in FigJam
3 awesome Figma widgets to use in the classroom
3D flashcard prototype in Figma
Search bar prototype in Figma
FigJam features for the classroom (Part 2)