3 months ago • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

In addition to the videos on my YouTube channel, you can also learn Stata from my free Alison online courses. 

Introductory Stata: Summary Statistics and Data Management


Introductory Stata: Graphics and Data Visualization


9 months ago • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

Hi, I am Bob. Today, I want to introduce two economists who have made outstanding contributions to helping people overcome poverty. They are a couple: Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo. They are economics professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. They won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2019 for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty. Their book is titled: "Poor Economics, A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty". This book provides a new perspective on poverty alleviation. Their innovative methods, such as field investigations, randomly controlled experiments, and carefully designed incentives, help us better understand the nature of poverty and find ways to end it. 
1. The Use of Fertilizer
2. The Use of Vaccines 
3. The Use of Mosquito Nets
4. Education 

The Nature of Poverty | Economics in Real Life (Episode 4)

Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

9 months ago • 163 views

9 months ago (edited) • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

Hi,大家好,我是Bob。記得在讀博士的時候,我讀過一本書,名為“經濟發展與自由”,“Development as Freedom",作者是印度經濟學家Amartya Sen。Amartya Sen提出用人類發展指數來衡量一個國家的發展水平,並且研究貧窮與饑荒的成因與防止對策。他在1998年獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎,以對他在福利經濟學和發展經濟學的傑出成就作出肯定。

今天,我想簡單介紹一下這本書關於經濟發展與自由權利的關係。正如這本書的書名所說的,Amartya Sen認為經濟發展是不斷地提高人類自由權利的一個過程。扶貧不僅僅是要提高最低收入和人均收入,更重要的是提供一種制度安排,使得人們能夠行使自由權利,並追求自己的目標和理想。Professor Sen認為自由既是發展的主要手段,也是發展的基本目的。
1. 政治自由。
2. 經濟自由。
3. 機會自由。
4. 透明度保證。
5. 經濟安全保障。
經濟發展不僅依賴經濟增長,還涉及人類的尊嚴和權利。最後,我想用Amartya Sen教授在書中的話作總結:人類發展是個人自由權利不斷擴展和深化的過程,它使得我們能夠過上自己想要的生活。


9 months ago • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

Hi, I am Bob. I remember when I was a Ph.D. student, I read a book called "Development as Freedom" by Indian economist Amartya Sen. Amartya Sen proposed the Human Development Index as a measure of a country's level of development and studied the causes and prevention of famines. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998 for his outstanding achievements in welfare economics and development economics.

Today, I would like to briefly introduce the relationship between economic development and freedom rights found within this book. As the title of the book suggests, Amartya Sen believes that economic development is a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy. 

Economic Development as Freedom | Economics in Real Life (Episode 3)

Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

9 months ago • 225 views

9 months ago • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

大家好, 我是Bob。歡迎觀看【生活中的經濟學】系列節目。前不久,我重溫了一部電影,有你終生美麗(A Beautiful Mind)。電影講述諾貝爾經濟學獎得主John Nash的一生。他是個絕頂聰明的數學天才。 有一天他跟同事在酒吧閒聊,引發他的靈感,促成他提出博奕論當中著名的Nash均衡理論。John Nash是在1950年他的博士論文中提出了多人博弈的均衡理論,這一年他二十三歲。在1994年,他和另外兩名博弈論專家一同獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。今天,我想談一下博弈論這一個經濟學的分支, 以及它的一個經典案例,囚徒困境。


【Cantonese粵語】博弈論與囚徒困境|【現實生活中的經濟學 第二集】

Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

9 months ago • 1,138 views

9 months ago • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

Hi, I am Bob. Welcome to the series, Economics in Real Life. Some days ago, I revisited a movie, A Beautiful Mind. The movie tells the story of the Nobel Prize winner in economics, John Nash. He was an extremely intelligent mathematical genius but suffered from a mental disorder. One day, while chatting with colleagues in a bar, he was inspired to propose the famous Nash Equilibrium in game theory. John Nash proposed the equilibrium theory of multiplayer games in his doctoral thesis in 1950 when he was 23 years old. In 1994, he and two other game theory experts jointly won the Nobel Prize in Economics. Today, I would like to talk about game theory, a branch of economics, and one of its classic cases, the prisoner’s dilemma. 

Game Theory and Prisoner's Dilemma | Economics in Real Life (Episode 2)

Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

9 months ago • 233 views

9 months ago (edited) • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)


大家好,我是Bob。今天我會介紹一個跟現實生活緊密聯繫經濟學概念。它也是我們經常關注的一個話題:貧富差距。 在我們身邊,有富人,有窮人。有的人擁有大量資源,有的人貧困潦倒。一些人收入很高,而另外一些人收入很少。生活在一個城市或一個國家當中的公民有不同的收入分佈。不同國家的貧富差距程度也是不一樣的。那麼,我們如何測量收入的貧富差距呢?在1905年,美國的經濟學家Lorenz提出一種測量收入差距或財富差距的圖形方法。在圖形中,橫軸是人口或家庭的百分位數, 按收入從低到高排列。 縱軸是累積收入。我們稱它為羅倫斯曲線。



經濟學家提出測量收入差距的數值方法。其中之一是基尼系數。基尼系數是1912年由義大利統計學家Corrado Gini提出用於衡量收入或財富差距。基尼系數定義為完全平均直線與真實羅倫斯曲線之間的面積除以完全平均直線之下的三角形面積。




【Cantonese粵語】貧富差距與基尼系數|【現實生活中的經濟學 第一集】

Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

9 months ago • 195 views

9 months ago (edited) • Dr. Bob Wen (Stata, Economics, Econometrics)

Economics in Real Life 
Episode 1: Income Inequality and Gini Coefficient


Premiere at 8:00 PM (EDT) August 17, 2023. 

Hi, I am Bob. Today I will introduce an economic concept important for our daily lives. It is a topic we are often concerned about -- income inequality. Around us, there are the rich, the poor, the ones with plenty of resources, and the disadvantaged. Some people earn more, while others earn less. There is an income distribution that describes different incomes among the population in a city or a country. Different countries also have various income inequalities. How do we measure the income inequality? In 1905, American economist Max Lorenz developed a graphic method to measure income inequality or wealth inequality. This graph plots the percentiles of the population or households on the horizontal axis according to their income and plots cumulative income on the vertical axis. We call it the Lorenz curve. 

Let's see how to draw a Lorenz curve. We can imagine there are five people in a small town. We arrange the five people in the order of their incomes, from the smallest to the largest...


The Lorenz curve is a graphic measure of income inequality. Economists also come up with some numeric measures of income inequality. One is the Gini coefficient, which is also known as the Gini index or Gini ratio. The Gini coefficient was proposed by an Italian statistician Corrado Gini in 1912 as a measure of income or wealth inequality. The Gini coefficient is defined as the area between the perfect equality straight line and the actual Lorenz curve divided by the area under the perfect equality straight line... 


 #IncomeInequality   #GiniCoefficient   #LorenzCurve