1 month ago (edited) • Alex Bale

Responding to some common questions/responses I've been seeing on my new Pixar Metaverse theory:

1) Isn’t this all just a bunch of gags / jokes made by the animators for fun?

Yeah of course. That doesn’t mean I can’t make a ridiculous, overly dramatic theory about them for fun too. That’s what 99% of fan theories are! And that doesn’t mean you can’t try and poke holes in the theory either, that’s all part of the fun too.

2) Is Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers, or any other media with this type of meta premise a part of the Pixar Metaverse?

Maybe, but I really only wanted to strictly include media that directly shows Pixar characters. Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny have both made appearances at the Oscars (never the same ones as Pixar characters), and they’re both in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but that still felt like a little bit of a thin connection to include. Plus the "what's included?" part of the video was already getting too long.

3) Couldn’t Slim have just swallowed a much smaller type of bug? Like a gnat or fruit fly?

It seems like all the bugs in A Bugs Life are all relatively the same size. In real life Stick Bugs and Caterpillars are much bigger than Ants, but they are all more or less the same size in the movie. This seems to imply that there would be no “tiny bug” characters in the Bugs life world for Slim to swallow.

4) How could the Toys have internal organs if we’ve seen them get ripped apart and have stuffing on the inside?

We’ve only seen the insides of a Toy inside the fictional Toy Story movies. Everything we see in those movies is fictional. We see people get ripped apart in live action movies all the time and don’t assume that it’s real. The fact that they eat in the metaverse implies they aren’t just full of stuffing.

5) Why didn’t I mention the bonus credits scene from Cars that shows them watching other Pixar movies, but with Cars as actors?

This is a really funny bonus gag, but it’s not part of the metaverse. This clip shows movies inside of the fictional Cars movie universe, which are just movies inside of the Pixar metaverse, which are just bonus clips in real life. Just like “Lightyear”, it’s a whole new deeper layer of movies within movies. I call this layer the “Pixar Infraverse”

6) What about product tie-in commercials that feature Pixar characters? Are they part of the metaverse?

Yes! Every McDonald’s commercial that features a Pixar character is in the metaverse! So are Pixar amusement park ride presentations, custom ABC bumpers and the Toy Story Funday Football. I didn’t mention any of this because they don’t really tell us anything new, and the video was already getting very long.

I also originally had a segment about a Disney+ short film “Your Friend The Rat” that shows the metaverse actors from Ratatouille, but I cut it out for pacing. It’s on Patreon if you’re interested! 

2 months ago • Alex Bale

My Pixar theory will be out in about a week or so while I do some final touches, in the meantime you can watch it now and get your name featured in the public video by joining my Patreon silver or gold tier:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/pixar-metaverse-99749766?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link 

shared 2 months ago • Alex Bale


2 months ago (edited) • Alex Bale

Hey! My Pixar Theory comes out early March! Sorry for the delay, it turned out to be my longest theory ever. The big final SPONGEBOB bonus theory vid will come out next along with other fun surprises! 

4 months ago • Alex Bale

If you haven’t already heard, my next theory video will be an alternative to THE PIXAR THEORY: The theory that every Pixar movie exists in the same cinematic universe. 

It’s already the most popular and overdone fan theory out there, but I’ve got a completely new alternative take on it that no one’s ever thought of. Unlike the existing Pixar theories, it doesn’t rely on tiny background easter eggs. This theory is based on indisputable hard evidence that I’ve never seen even mentioned in another Pixar theory before. I think this may be my strongest theory yet. Coming early 2024!

(The big final bonus SpongeBob vid is still coming out after this one. Thanks for your patience.) 

4 months ago (edited) • Alex Bale

So it turns out that final SpongeBob bonus video is much bigger than I thought it would be. The new bonus content alone is bigger than several theories combined. So to get a theory video out sooner, I decided to work on a brand new non-SpongeBob topic first. You’re really gonna like this one, I think it’s one of my strongest theories ever.

I also recently did an interview on the Argonauts podcast where I talked about behind the scenes of Don’t Feed the Muse, making SpongeBob theories, and I announced the topic for this next new theory. Go check it out:  https://argonauts.pinecast.co/episode/a7235990/interview-with-alex-bale-don-t-feed-the-muse-pizza-time-pizza-oldroot- 

The big final SpongeBob video is still coming out next year, it’ll just take a little longer with how big of a project it is. Thanks for your patience. 

5 months ago • Alex Bale

As I mentioned in my WHAT’S NEXT? video, I’m doing one final wrap up SpongeBob video that compiles all of my previous SB theories with new evidence, corrections and 8 BRAND NEW never before seen mini theories I came up with a while ago! Some are completely new topics and some are extensions/alternatives to old theories. Here’s a preview of the 8 mini theories I’ll be covering. It'll be a massive video full of new and old content (with no sponsorships, film interruptions or whining about not wanting to be the SpongeBob guy!!)

I won’t be making anymore SpongeBob theories after this, but I’ll be covering other non-spongebob topics in theories next! There will probably be a lot more theory content on this channel moving forward while I work on my bigger long term feature film project in the background. 

6 months ago • Alex Bale

The end is finally here. Thank you all so much for the endless support and kind words on DON’T FEED THE MUSE. I feel very proud of what we accomplished and what I was able to say with this story. I’m very happy with where the story ended, and I love reading everyone’s different interpretations of what it all means.

Soon I’ll be releasing a “What’s next?” video talking about what I’ll be doing on the channel going forward. More films and theories are on the way.

Thanks again to RAID: Shadow Legends for sponsoring DFTM3. Their contribution was a big help in funding the production.
Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC:  https://pl.go-ga.me/amuggkji  and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Knight Errant
Take part in the Halloween event and get your gift at  http://raidyard.plarium.com/ 

11 months ago • Alex Bale

DON'T FEED THE MUSE III has wrapped filming, and I've begun the editing process. It's by far the biggest and most ambitious project I've ever made, and I'm really excited for you all to see the ending I've been planning since the start. Can't say when to expect the film or a trailer to drop, all I can say is that there's still a lot more work left to do and I'll post it when it's ready.

And since people keep asking (and will continue to ask me for the rest of my life...) I'm done with SpongeBob theories! BUT after DFTM3 I'll be posting a compilation of all of my 8 SB theories with bonus content and some BRAND NEW SB mini theories I never got the chance to share! Plus I've got lots of non-spongebob theories in the works!

But for now I'll be focusing on finishing up this project. Thanks for all your support on it! 

1 year ago • Alex Bale

DON’T FEED THE MUSE III the finale episode has begun filming! I’ll be posting more updates and BTS photos on my new twitter account:  https://twitter.com/alexbalereal  (my old one got hacked)