10 months ago (edited) • Science and Art of Public Health

Hi Public Health Friends,

It's been a year since I've posted an thats because eI did a long video on Part 1 of a Practical Policy Analysis video. Unfortunately my iMac was too old to cope with the 2 hours of video screen recording. That alongside doing an analysis in real time meant I need to do a lot of editing to make as easy to understand as possible.

I hope you find it useful, I'm quite pleased with how its turned out though there are a few little errors and mistakes I didn't spot until it was too late to do anything about them.

I'm hoping I can publish more regularly in a couple of months time.

Hope you're having an adventure! 

2 years ago • Science and Art of Public Health

Public Health Graduates + Hospital Careers: Key Messages

US Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)| Public Health Career Spotlights: Hospitals and Population Health

How to understand job titles and what they mean from a job search perspective (job title cheat sheet): How job titles work and how the first part tells you the public health area and the second part of the job title tells you the experience needed and seniority and the career path in that public health area, 

at  2:27 - 6:30   https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=147 

This is USA but in the UK and elsewhere the levels are similar but the words are slightly different e.g. UK uses the word practitioner, principal, consultant and head as well.

Work biographies of the three participants with MPHs who work in hospital settings, at  6:30 -21:

Need to show skills and experience
Nimrah best piece of advice is highlight your skills, at  09:45 - 11:10 ,
link at  https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=585  

Mary, hirers focus on the skillset, skillsets should show that they match job description/person specification/experience required, at  21:10 - 21:52 ,
link at  21:10   https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=1270  

Transitioning to first postgraduate job and surprises during that transition, at  22:20 , 

link at  https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=1340 

Transferability of skills from degree aren't always obvious, need to look carefully and will find that they can be transferable.

Network in your organisation and asking people in your organisation. Move to a parallel role in another department you are interested in, don't always try and go up to next level.

How do you show and detail and specific passion
Did you do some action, volunteering, community service, did you check our website and what we do, don't just say you love/passionate about public health, what specific aspects of the job/research post/work we do excites you, get a job for the opportunity not the paycheck, what does this role need from me, how can I fit in and develop to be an asset to the team, have 1-2 questions at  31:08 - 35:50 , 

link at  https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=1868 

Do you need (undergraduate) clinical experience and if so how do you get it? at  36:24 - 38:48 , 

link at  https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=2184 

Discussion on the value of short certificates, beneficial for landing jobs (in hospital systems), at  40:57 - 45:06 , 

link starting  40:57 

Get certificate that you can apply can be valuable
Experience is more important even experience within Masters.
Check on LinkedIn what kind of certificates/qualifications public health professionals have in the are you are interested in.
Certificates during a job are more useful rather than when looking for a job.

Best way to job search: Organisation career/job websites, some organisations can be strict about years of experience, check that out, at  45:06 - 50:52 , 

link at  45:07   https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=2707 

Desirable/Recommended, don't let this stop you especially clinical recommended qualifications.
Timing is everything

Can professionals with MPH be a CEO of a hospital,  54:58 -end, 

link at  54:58   https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=3298 

Another reference to passion and experience

MPH has a lot of utility, equips with you will a lot of tools (skills)

Final takeaway thought, at  56:40 
Link at  56:40   https://youtu.be/0DUjpJK4Md4?t=3400  

Don't be afraid to go for a job, go for any job you are interested in and passionate about, and communicate that interest/many reasons why people do and don't get jobs, 

Don't get discouraged, will have setbacks, things but every opportunity is opportunity to learn, passionate about learning, networking and marketing yourself

Every opportunity is a learning opportunity, your third choice job seen like this will get you you where you wan to go or somewhere interesting you never thought of. 

Public Health Career Spotlights: Hospitals and Population Health


2 years ago • 243 views

2 years ago (edited) • Science and Art of Public Health

I've also gone through the 'Public Health Careers' playlist and realised that the advice only makes sense of the videos are categorised by country or region that they are discussing the jobs/careers about. 

I haven't had a chance to watch them and then order them or delete any that aren't on topic. I'll do that sometime over the coming weeks. I'll leave the USA playlist for last!

Interestingly, though not comprehensive, my first search identified the following number of career videos by country, barring errors in categorising: 

The first three playlists are not in alphabetical order, the rest are.

Public Health Careers - Global (12)
Public Health Careers - USA (106)
Public Health Careers - UK (19)
Public Health Careers - Africa (2( 
One video is on jobs across Africa, so keeping this broad category for now, given only 2 videos.
Public Health Careers - Australia (2)
Public Health Careers - Bangladesh (8)
Some videos focus on getting jobs in other countries, and most/all are in the Bengali language.
Public Health Careers - Canada (3)
Public Health Careers - China (1)
Public Health Careers - India (6)
Public Health Careers - Nepal (1)
Public Health Careers - New Zealand (5)
Public Health Careers - Saudi Arabia (2, in arabic) 

2 years ago • Science and Art of Public Health

Hi Friends, I've just gone through the 'What is Public Health?' playlist and ordered them in what I think is the best sequence to view them!