1 day ago • Toxic Drunker

In my country, university entrance exams are currently taking place, best of luck to anyone who has exams, you've got it don't worry you'll do great. Don't forget to take breaks and get proper sleep before exams. 

3 weeks ago • Toxic Drunker

Lately I'm stuck on how to come up with a title, do you guys have any ideas? 

4 weeks ago • Toxic Drunker

> studying with poets long gone, rain sounds and hot tea x dark academia playlist

4 months ago • Toxic Drunker

All the ads on my channel are added by yt. Monetization is not enabled, so I can't adjust it myself, so sorry :(( 

9 months ago • Toxic Drunker

A friend of mine also has a new chanel about Dark Academia, hope everyone will support it:


9 months ago (edited) • Toxic Drunker

"All that we see seems but a dream within a dream," as Edgar Allan Poe once eloquently put it, encapsulates the profound sense of impermanence and uncertainty that characterizes our existence. Life often feels like an ephemeral reverie, where our perceptions, experiences, and even the most concrete aspects of reality can blur into surreal, fleeting moments. This thought-provoking statement invites us to contemplate the fragile nature of our existence, prompting us to question the true boundaries between reality and illusion. It reminds us that our grasp on reality is tenuous, and what we perceive may be nothing more than a series of fleeting impressions, challenging us to explore the deeper mysteries of our own consciousness and the world around us.

9 months ago (edited) • Toxic Drunker

Hearing that familiar voice once more filled us with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. It was like a soothing melody from the past, evoking cherished memories and emotions long tucked away in the corners of our hearts. As the words resonated in the air, they brought back a flood of moments we had shared, reminding us of the laughter, the tears, and the bonds that had once defined our connection. The familiarity in that voice stirred a deep sense of warmth and comfort, making us yearn for the days gone by and the people we used to be. It was a poignant reminder of the enduring power of shared experiences and the enduring nature of the connections we hold dear.

10 months ago • Toxic Drunker

A laugh, to be joyous, must flow from a joyous heart, for without kindness, there can be no true joy. 

11 months ago • Toxic Drunker

One of the hardest things you have to face is to stop loving someone because they don't love you anymore 

11 months ago • Toxic Drunker

“We should love, not fall in love. Because anything that falls will hurt.” - Taylor Swift