2 months ago • Scott Paul Johnson

I get a lot of comments saying something to the effect of "You have the fingerboard backwards. Rotate it 180 degrees so the nut is on the left and the low strings are on the bottom of the screen."

Would anyone be interested in a video explaining why I don't do that and how important it is to learn to see the neck the way I display it in my videos? There are a few reasons. 

6 months ago • Scott Paul Johnson

Hi Everyone,
Not a lot of people check out these community tabs, so I feel like I'm sharing a secret when I post on here. But I just wanted to share something REALLY cool that one of my Patrons made:


It's interactive fingerboard scratch paper. You can use it for the homework section of my Music Theory for Guitar lesson here on youtube, or you can use it to map out CAGED shapes.

THE COOLEST FEATURE is the little "All Notes" button - this will show every iteration of whatever note you click. It's REALLY handy for trying to find new voicings of your favorite chords.

Check it out!

And if you liked my recent livestream, you'll LOVE my weekly Q&A over on Patreon as well as the weekly live lesson, and my backlog of over 200 lessons about how the guitar and music theory work together to help you play better, be more creative, and have more fun on guitar.

Cheers. I think I'll do another live lesson like that soon. I had so much fun! 

1 year ago • Scott Paul Johnson

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to say thanks for bearing with me here. I've been waiting on some equipment that has gotten delayed MONTHS longer than expected. I'll just have to push on without it for now. I can't keep waiting!

I've got a stream scheduled for this weekend specifically targeted at beginners, BUT I know the poll results below show that most of you are interested in "Simplifying Music Theory and mapping it out on the guitar."

I'll do a live stream or video on that subject next. What music theory topics are you interested in mapping out on the guitar?

Comment a topic that interests you! If someone else already has, like their comment. 

Here are a few ideas: 
• Harmonic and Melodic Minor
• 7th chords
• How to write a melody
• How soloing IS writing a melody 

1 year ago (edited) • Scott Paul Johnson

I forgot to mention that I just gave away a few free lessons with PDFs and Practice tracks.

Check them out here:  https://tinyurl.com/FREESPJLESSONS 

My online guitar school has been going for over two years now, with over 170 lessons, 80 live Q&As, and 40 Community Challenges posted so far. It’s been so fun and I have no intention of stopping. Learn more about it here:


1 year ago • Scott Paul Johnson

HEY! It's me, Scott. I know I haven't been very active on here. I think it's about time I start teaching more lessons around here. 

What topics are you MOST interested in? 


Actually applying music theory to normal situations

More CAGED system stuff

Writing music - chord progressions, melodies, bass lines, rhythm

Simplifying music theory and mapping it out on guitar

2K votes

4 years ago • Scott Paul Johnson

I started a Patreon! 


I'm still going to post videos on YouTube.

Patreon will be the place where I post long-form, raw, videos about a wide range of topics instead of the pithy short intense videos I have here on YouTube. 

4 years ago (edited) • Scott Paul Johnson

THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE! I'm almost done editing "Minor Pentatonic Scales in The CAGED system." I should be able to release it in the next week or so. I want it to be clear and concise so I'm taking my time.

Because these videos take so long to make, I've been thinking of other less time-consuming series I can make so people don't have to wait a whole month for content from me.

I've thought about doing a series of videos called "No Dumb Questions" where I can dig deep on some music vocabulary. Would you like this? What dumb questions have you been afraid to ask?

Topics I'm considering are:

- What does it mean to "be in a key?"
- Do I need to know every note I'm playing?
- What is music theory?
- What is a chord?
- What is a root note?
- Whats an octave?
- What are intervals?
- How do I actually use the circle of 5ths?
- Do I need to learn to read music to understand music theory?
- Will learning music theory ruin the magic of playing music? (NO)

What are you questions? 

4 years ago • Scott Paul Johnson


OK EVERYBODY! I have been busy filming and I’m in the process of editing the following:

• Minor Pentatonic Scales in the CAGED System (exact title to be determined)

• How to Solo #3: How to sound like a human and make the guitar sing (clearly not the real title)

• Using octave shapes to get to know the fingerboard

I’m working on a few others as well but I’m focused on getting the Minor Caged video done first.

I’m very excited, encouraged, and overwhelmed by all the support I’m getting. This is outrageous and I’m extremely grateful to you all. Thank you so so much.

I expect I’ll be done editing one of these in the next couple weeks if everything goes as planned.

If you feel that my videos have helped you, please consider making a small donation:

Again - thank you so so much I can’t express how exciting and inspiring it is to have over 40,000 people appreciate what I’m doing.


If you made it this far down, you might as well check out my other channels:

SPJ Jam Tracks, where I put jam tracks related to my lessons - I have some exciting ideas for how to make specific tracks to practice specific things! More to come

Hawktopus Publishing, where I put my finished songs:

SPJ Playground, where I put stuff I’m messing around with (more to come!)

4 years ago • Scott Paul Johnson

Hi Everyone. I want to gauge your interest in another topic. I've been getting a lot of comments asking something like this:

"Do you have to play different scales over different chords or can you just play the same scale over all the chords?

For example, if I'm jamming in the key of D Major, do I need to worry about what chords are happening while I solo or can I just play a D Major pentatonic scale?"

The basic answer is "yes you can just play the pentatonic scale," but the more fun answer is "no, there are more notes you can add to the pentatonic scale to accentuate each chord in the progression."

Would you be interested in a series about how to solo over specific chord progressions like this?

This is a topic I love. My "How to Solo: Harmony" video covers this a little bit, but I know I could really dig in and help people understand this illusive weird concept better, starting from a more foundational standpoint. Also, my jam tracks at my SPJ Jam Tracks channel are already set up with this purpose in mind.

Feel free to check them out:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcoYnbB6Ykf5CDLqpMeUVpw/playlists 

Let me know if this sounds like a fun topic.


Also, an update: I've finally found a place to film again and I'm getting set up to crank out more videos. I'm so excited and so grateful for the love and enthusiastic encouragement I'm getting from you all. I'm going to work really hard to bring you more quality content. I'll get that Minor CAGED video out along with a few others soon.

If you'd like to make a small donation to the cause, visit my ko-fi page:

Thank you all so so much 

Scott is posting too much in the community tab

I'd like to hear more from Scott in the community tab

906 votes

4 years ago (edited) • Scott Paul Johnson

Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for all the support! I am in shock from all the love!!!!!!

I'm in the process of moving to a new place in Seattle where I can film and edit videos on a regular basis.

Until then I can't film any new lessons. If everything goes as planned, I should be able to get into a routine with regular videos in the next handful of weeks and definitely by the new year.

If you're enjoying my videos and want more, please consider making a small donation. I'd love to do this for a living and with your help, I just might be able to!!!

Donation page:  https://ko-fi.com/scottpauljohnson 

Thank you thank you thank you. I'm so excited to keep putting out new content for you all. Also, please feel free to comment on the other community questions I've posted below. I've got so many fun lesson ideas and I can't wait to share them but your feedback is incredibly helpful for planning my next videos.