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In the bus.
Today weather  in UK.
Is Monday today.
Happy Friday to everyone.
When my little was ready to go to school.
I started work today.
How l mixed my different types of ingredients together.
Time to sleep.
Happy Friday to everyone
Bless morning to everyone.
At cafe shop  in Spain.
Weekend thing.
Happy Friday.
At work.
Cost of living in UK and Spain.
Bless Monday morning to everyone.
My breakfast.
Going home,  still in my holiday  in Spain.
How l did not finish my food.
At cafe shop in Spain  on my holiday.
At Madrid bus station.
At Manchester airport going to holidays in Spain.
bless morning to everyone
Hello everyone.
Bless Monday morning to everyone.
My new hair style.
On my way to work.
On my way to work this morning.
What  l do every weekend at home.
Bless Monday morning to everyone.
When l was making my breakfast.
How  l do my house work.
Happy new month to everyone.
Going to work on Monday.
How l am happy when is Friday.
Leave a good life.
How l go to work in UK.  Do something to help yourself.
How l go to work everyone  morning  in UK.
Try and do something this year to help yourself.
When is Friday.
How to succeed in life.
The weather we have today in Manchester.
When we where cooking the party rice.
Final results of my pounded yam.
Happy new year to everyone.
How we season our turkey for Christmas part.
Cost of pepper in UK
This month make it 27 years of being in Europe.