2 days ago • TsuBenn

To that one person who just keep asking me to draw Kokomi pregnant... 

2 days ago • TsuBenn

Firefly doodle 

3 days ago • TsuBenn

Sasuke on chalk board 

8 days ago • TsuBenn

My art hasn't been arting lately, probably should take a little break 😅 

12 days ago • TsuBenn

I’ve been away from home and visiting my grandparents in a countryside kind of place. I’ll be back home soon to make more video :)

STORY TIME (reading is optional):
There are barely any internet here in my grandparents’ place, I mean I’m using 4G to post this post but it’s very slow and you can barely watch any social medias with it. Which basically mean I have been touching a lot of grass, literally.
It’s kinda relaxing not having to worry about anything here, all we do is wanders around my grandparents backyard and harvesting fruits and stuff, mainly mangos.
I got to try a lot of new old stuff, if that make sense, like taking a shower with only well water and a bucket (it was cold as heck) or washing clothes by hand cause there’re no washing machines here.
I also learned how to use a sword >:). Kinda satisfying when you’re able to cut something clean off with one slash (I cut a dead banana tree 💀).
I wanted to take a bath in the river but my mom wouldn’t let me cause it’s dangerous.
And let me tell you sth, there’re a heck lot of dogs here, and people here also eat dogs a lot here :’). Did I eat them? No, but there’s one time where I got tricked into eating a piece. Is it good? Yes, it is delicious but it felt wrong doing so :’).
Living here make me realized how hard it was to live back then with barely any electricity. But when I ask my grandparents about how they feel about these hardships, they said that this is normal and they glad they have what they’re having right now.
Man, if us modern kids went back to the past when our parents were kids, we would struggle a lot trying to do anything by ourselves 💀.
It’s very cheap living here, a meal that costs 30k VND in the urban area would only costs like 20k VND or even less here.
Everyone here is Catholic and the church is crazy cramped when it’s Sunday (yes, I’m Catholic 🙂).
The neighbors here are very friendly, they’re know each other very well, and they sometimes give us a lot of stuff for free.

I think that’s all I wanted to tell you guys about my place 😅. I got a lot of inspiration for drawing from this place too. I didn’t draw anything during my time here cause I wanna take a break from those things.

Anyway, have a good day guys. I’ll be back soon and continue on making the “How I draw Hands” video 

2 weeks ago • TsuBenn

I’m done for today :), gotta get back to rest…
(A fan-art of Kozeki Ui from Blue Archive) 

2 weeks ago • TsuBenn

Hard to draw properly cause I’m sick 😷 
Anyway, do you know which character this is? 

2 weeks ago • TsuBenn

i'm sick so all I draw today is this... 

2 weeks ago (edited) • TsuBenn

Here's a sheet of HOW I DRAW HANDS (Note: This is just MY simplification of the hand and not the anatomy of it, so you need to have a basic understanding of the hand anatomy itself first 😅. I don't wanna explain it here cause then I can't fit it into the YT community post)

I didn’t write this in the sheet but make you look up for as much reference alright :’), it’s crucial. I know I didn’t use any reference for these sheets but that doesn’t mean you can’t use reference. Reference is what helps you build your artistic eyes and knowledge!!

Also sorry if my handwriting is hard to read, I've been sick so my hand is pretty shaky :')

I recommend watching this on mobile cause PC can't expand the pic when you post multiple pics (Idk if you can expand on PC but I can't 💀)

The hand video will come out pretty late 'cause I'm animating it 😅. I was trying to do it traditionally but the risk of failing are very high and I don't wanna spend hours trying to rerecord the whole video over and over again 💀.

But tbh, I haven't even started the video yet, I've been procrastinating so much lately 💀. But I think it'll be "fun" animating hands and explain my drawing process of it :) 

2 weeks ago (edited) • TsuBenn

I just realized how much I enjoy drawing hands :’)

Should I make a video about this topic?

You can see some of these pics full on my social medias!!

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    Twitter (or X):  https://twitter.com/pham_benn 
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    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/pham_benn/