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4 meanings of ‘pick up’ #shorts
happy idioms– Idioms with George #shorts
🤔 ‘specially’ VS ‘especially’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
‘I am optimist’ – 🔨 Fix this sentence! #shorts
5 phrasal verbs for work #shorts
Angry idioms– Idioms with George #shorts
What to say: 👋 leaving work for the day #shorts
describing people – idioms with George #shorts
💎 🗑️ ‘worthless’ VS ‘priceless’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
4 words borrowed from other languages #shorts
👩‍🎓  ‘graduate from’ Vs ‘graduate in’ Vs ‘graduate with’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
English conversation – have a coffee with Tim ☕️ #shorts
‘used to do’ VS ‘am used to doing’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
5 adjectives that are difficult to say #shorts
verbs + prepositions quiz #shorts
6 ways of walking #shorts
‘remember to do’ VS ‘remember doing’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
Difficult words to say starting with ‘w’ #shorts
🚽 What to say when you’re on the toilet #shorts
5 Dating Expressions #shorts
5 difficult words to say as requested by YOU #shorts
'dessert' 🍨 vs 'desert' 🏜️ - THIS is the difference! #shorts
Adjectives + prepositions quiz #shorts
8 MORE difficult British places names to pronounce #shorts
🤔 ‘arrive in’ Vs ‘arrive at’ Vs ‘arrive’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
'exciting' vs 'excited' - what's the difference?
5 ways to use ‘ish’ in spoken English! #shorts
5 tricky business words #shorts
Body parts with silent letters 👍 🦵 ✋  #shorts
‘have done’ VS ‘have been doing’ – what’s the difference? #shorts
📆 5 New Year phrasal verbs! #shorts
6 parts of the face #shorts
5 Christmas actions #shorts
'fun' vs 'funny - what's the difference? #shorts
5 actions you do with your face 😉 🥱 #shorts
THIS is how you use ‘too much’ and ‘too many’ #shorts
🗣 5 tips for conversation skills #shorts
3 mistakes with 'the' #shorts
7 words with silent letters #shorts
THIS is how you use ‘because’ and ‘because of’ #shorts
5 tips for natural pronunciation! #shorts
3 mistakes with 'enough' #shorts
Words you (probably) pronounce wrong #shorts
5 ways to build your vocabulary! #shorts
3 mistakes with irregular verbs #shorts
6 difficult British place names to pronounce #shorts
How to make a passive sentence - in 4 simple steps!!! #shorts
Literally: Learn the new meaning! #shorts