6 months ago • The Personal Development School

It’s not uncommon to experience the fear of being replaced in a relationship. 

Jealousy and possessiveness stem from this fear. When you’re feeling jealous, it's because you’re afraid of losing the other person, and being replaced. This fear is most common for anxiously preoccupied people – but it can show up in all attachment styles. 

In this post, we’ll look at the root causes and some steps you can take if you have this fear.

Have you overcome this fear? What helped you the most? Share below!

💓 You don’t need to heal alone. When you join The Personal Development School, you become part of a supportive community in 113 countries! Besides courses and webinars, you’ll get near-daily opportunities to engage with the other members through our popular social events. For a limited time, you can join us for life at a heavily discounted rate. All info here:  https://bit.ly/lifetime-sale-youtube 

 #anxiouspreoccupied   #anxiousattachment   #attachmenttheory   #loneliness   #personaldevelopmentschool 

7 months ago • The Personal Development School

Our attachment style ripples into all areas of life. 

You’ll see a strong correlation between your attachment style and how you show up in your job and your career.

In this post, we'll talk about the dismissive avoidant’s strengths so we can learn to play on our strengths in the career area of life.

Do you agree or not? Comment below!

💙 Knowing your attachment style can give you guidance on how to integrate all parts of yourself and strengthen your self-identity. Take our free attachment style quiz here:  https://bit.ly/attachment-quiz-youtube 

 #dismissiveavoidant   #dismissiveavoidantattachmentstyle   #insecureattachment   #attachmentstyles   #personaldevelopmentschool 

7 months ago • The Personal Development School

Why do so many people fail at their goals? And how can you break this cycle? 

In this post, we’ll do a deep dive into these questions!

Remember: we learn and gain valuable information at each "failure" along the way. The only way to truly fail is to stop. 

Share one tip that helped you achieve your goals!

💙 Want to learn how to set goals you achieve? With the tools you’ll learn in The Personal Development School, it’s not just possible – but easy! For a limited time, you’ll get a free 7-day trial of our popular All-Access Pass. Get instant access to 65+ courses based on real-life situations, a supportive community, and near-daily live events. Join here:  https://bit.ly/7-days-free-youtube 

 #personaldevelopment   #personalgrowth   #attachmentstyle   #attachmentstyles   #personaldevelopmentschool 

7 months ago • The Personal Development School

Thais outlines an unexpected reason for why this might be. 

Watch it so you can develop more self-awareness and self-love!

What is your relationship with yourself like right now? Share 3 emojis that represent it! 

How can I create more self-love?

The Personal Development School

7 months ago • 3,467 views

7 months ago • The Personal Development School

Did you know there are 4 different subtypes of anxious preoccupieds (APs)?

In this post, we’ll help you spot the different AP types. It's practical for understanding your date or partner and getting an idea of how fast they'll want to proceed or commit.

Are you a (recovering) AP? If so, which of these types do you resonate with the most? Comment below!

💕 Tired of doing your healing journey alone? You don’t have to! Our supportive community is waiting for you – connect with members in 113+ countries through near-daily social events. You’ll always have someone holding space for your challenges and celebrating your wins! This is your last chance to try all our courses and events for free for 7 days – sign up here:  https://bit.ly/7-days-free-youtube 

 #anxiouspreoccupied   #anxiousattachmentstyle   #personaldevelopmentschool   #fearfulavoidant   #dismissiveavoidant 

7 months ago • The Personal Development School

Did you know there are 5 different subtypes of fearful avoidants? 

In this post, we’ll help you spot the different types of fearful avoidant attachment-style individuals. 

When dating, knowing your new potential partner's attachment style is practical. It can help understand their patterns of behavior and why they do the things they do. 

It's also helpful for figuring out their expectations around how fast they’ll want to move in the relationship.   

Which of these types have you encountered? Comment below! 

💜 Are you tired of self-sabotaging true connections? We have courses for fearful avoidants and all insecure attachment styles! Get the exact steps and strategies to become securely attached in just 3 months from now. For a limited time, we offer a 7-day free trial of all courses, social events, and tools on our online platform. Secure your spot here:  https://bit.ly/7-days-free-youtube 

 #fearfulavoidant   #fearfulavoidantattachmentstyle   #personaldevelopmentschool 

8 months ago • The Personal Development School

What does it mean to strengthen your self-identity?

The process has several ingredients:

Strengthening your boundaries
Meeting your own needs
Building a relationship to yourself
Believing you deserve to take up space in the world. 

In this post, we’ll teach you how to get in touch with yourself, so you can become more secure and strengthen your self-identity.

What is 1 takeaway for you? Share below! 

💜 Do you want support in strengthening your identity, becoming more confident, and developing self-compassion? Become a member of our thriving online community! Make friends in 113+ countries, join live events almost daily, and learn from our webinars and courses. Join now here:  https://bit.ly/7-days-free-youtube . You currently get a free 7-day trial. 

 #anxiouspreoccupied   #anxiouslyattached   #insecureattachment   #selfgrowth   #personaldevelopmentschool 

8 months ago • The Personal Development School

How do you know if you are not interested in someone or just need space?  

Could it be that you like them, but fear closeness, and just need to pull back a bit?  

Or are they really not the one for you?  

In this post, we’ll dive into signs that you are interested in this person and not just deactivating out of fear.

Which one have you experienced? Share with us in a comment! 👇

💜 Are you tired of running away, and want to experience the fulfillment that comes from true love? For a limited period, we offer a 7-day free trial of our online platform: 65+ courses, weekly Q&As with Thais, near-daily social events, and a supportive community. No strings attached – cancel anytime. Secure your spot here:  https://bit.ly/7-days-free-youtube 

8 months ago • The Personal Development School

In this post, we share 5 things you should never say to a dismissive avoidant (DA) person in a relationship. 

These things are related to deep core wounds most DAs share and can trigger them, contributing to a breakdown in communication. Next time, consider these simple reframes that work around the wound while getting your needs communicated.

🧡 Are you done running away from love, yet want to keep your freedom? The Personal Development School helps you get the best of both worlds! Our courses for dismissive avoidants help you overcome your fear of vulnerability, ask for space in a healthy way, and make relationships easier. For a limited period, we offer a free 7-day trial of our online platform. No strings attached – cancel anytime. Register here:  https://bit.ly/7-days-free-youtube 

8 months ago • The Personal Development School

Are you currently in a long distance relationship?

Long distance relationships can be challenging and confusing at times. Wherever there’s distance, ambiguity, or a lack of clarity, we’re more likely to project worst-case scenario fears. 

The distance can magnify the imprint of past subconscious traumas, like being cheated on. That’s why in long distance relationships, it’s extra important to examine your fears. 

💚 Want support navigating your emotions through a long distance relationship, and participate in weekly shares with people who get you? Join The Personal Development School for access to 65+ courses, powerful reprogramming tools, and almost daily live events. Details here:  https://university.personaldevelopmentschool.com/collections?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_id=memberships