2 weeks ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

I am SO STOKED to share our latest brand collaboration: a custom LiteAFxMGO Fanny Pack!


As y’all may know, I’m  a huge fan of the hip pack: perfect for quick and easy access to gear, snacks, your phone, or an emergency supply of gummy bears. My whole crew uses some version of a fanny or hip pack on shoots -  so I am super excited to present this collaboration with LiteAF!! I love how they brought my design to life. These bags are made from ECOPAK EPLX, the world’s only durable, waterproof fabric made from 100% recycled materials.

These fanny packs are made-to-order, and will start shipping on June 7th. Each one will come with an exclusive MGO channel sticker as well! By purchasing this fanny pack, you are helping support a cottage brand in addition to supporting me and my channel. All proceeds go directly back into making content for all of you! 

LiteAF makes incredible custom backpacks and gear, and I’m so grateful to partner with such a wonderful small brand. 

I hope to see some of y’all rocking these out in the wild!!

Big love,


2 weeks ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another subscriber story! This one comes from Stephanie (who is a planetary scientist, which I think is SO COOL) and it's quite the saga 😳 Go read here story, and then let me know : who else wants Stephanie's How To Survive a Tropical Storm in a Tent book list!?

Stephanie, this reminded me so much of a time that I got stuck at Camp Muir on an attempt to summit Mt. Tahoma here in Washington. A whiteout trapped me, my three friends, and about fifty other people at the basecamp for over 24 hours. Sadly I did not have an e-reader, but I did have a bag full of gummy bears and a deck of cards! I'm glad y'all made it up Whitney safely. This sounds like an incredible adventure. Congratulations!

Read Stephanie's full account below:

Love your channel and your subscriber adventure stories - I've got one for ya! 

Let's set the scene: It's mid-September 2022 in the High Sierra, and my partner and I somehow secured the dream overnight permits for Mt. Whitney during the full moon as our first-ever multi-night backpacking trip. I think "excited" was an understatement as I planned an epic 6-night trip from Whitney Portal to Onion Valley. We set off with 45-lb packs each, filled with WAY too much food (you pack your fears, right?). Things started off pretty great, aside from a bout of altitude sickness the first night at about 10,000 ft. We reached Consultation Lake for our second night on trail at almost 12,000 ft, alarms set way too early for our summit attempt!

Little did we know, a rare September tropical storm in California would quite literally rain on our parade. And hail. And sleet. And snow. (yes, we'd heard about the storm shortly before leaving for our trip, but I think we didn't realize it would reach the Sierras!). We awoke to rain turning into sleet and hail, wind, thunder, and lightning. 

So we hunkered down to wait. And wait. And wait. And by mid-day it was very clear we would not be summiting that day. But our tent held up and we managed to stay pretty dry even through the chaos - which at one point caused a nearby rock slide that went on for a solid 15 minutes.

At one point things let up enough for us to venture out and take a short hike about half a mile up the trail to another popular camp spot. Then we turned around and saw some dark clouds approaching again, so we rushed back and got in our tent mere minutes before another round of chaos started. And that was the only 20 minutes we spent outside that day.

We were SO glad we brought our e-readers. I don't know what we would've done for 15 hours huddled in our tent otherwise. Thankfully we made it through, and while the rain continued on and off for the rest of the trip, that first day of the storm was definitely the worst. That whole 6-day trip was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it resulted in two of the highest highs of my entire life - quite literally. The first was our successful Mt. Whitney summit, and the second was making it up the absolute doozy of the southern approach to Forester Pass, the highest point on the PCT. 

To this day, whenever I think of my happy place, it's always this trip to the High Sierra backcountry - tropical storm included. I can't wait to go back.


Want to submit your own story? Email me at community@mirandagoesoutside.com for a chance to be featured on our channel! Just send me your name as you’d like it to appear, a few photos, and a story from your trip. Every Wednesday I’ll pick a new story to share!

See you outside,


2 weeks ago (edited) • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Hey friends! I hope y’all are having as GORGEOUS of a weekend as we have here in the PNW 💕 No new video today, but back next week with some brand new content! Get ready for more backpacking DIY and then an idyllic early season backpacking trip!

In the meantime, there are two massive sales happening right now: Garage Grown Gear’s Small Business Sales Week, and, of course, the REI Anniversary Sale! I just wanted to pop in and share a few links to some of my favorite products - stuff you’ve seen me use in countless videos - that are on sale right now! 

From Garage Grown Gear:
My three FAVORITE pieces from Enlightened Equipment are currently on sale: 
850fp Revelation Quilt:  https://alnk.to/31r1oCF 
Torrid APEX jacket:  https://alnk.to/aLImyxj 
and the Torrid Booties:  https://alnk.to/9T8zEsF 
EE is one of my favorite small brands, and I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with them!

SamBob Hoodie:  https://alnk.to/4fQkgmn 
Y’all ask about this microgrid every time I wear it, and now it’s available from GGG! If you don’t mind the wait and would rather customize your own SamBob, they are also running a sale on their site for customized hoodies! Note: I wear a size Medium Narrow 💚

A TON of smaller stuff is on sale too, including:
my Nitecore Headlamp:  https://alnk.to/3ybil6q 
Farm to Summit meals:  https://alnk.to/gzVmVxN 
and this sit pad:  https://alnk.to/60ZU4x2 

Frankly, the vast majority of their website is on sale! Want to shop the full selection from GGG’s sale? Click here:  https://alnk.to/9btxJdI 

From REI:
The REI Flash 55:  https://alnk.to/4qL5fck 
If you’ve been wanting to try a lighter weight pack, this one is the best. Truly, I love this pack with all my heart. It’s one of the best things REI has ever made. It’s already a great price, but at 30% off, it’s a steal!
REI Sahara Sun Hoodie:  https://alnk.to/1N1IwXS 
This is an MGO crew favorite! Sun hoodies > sunscreen, IMHO. Makes the whole hike better! This hoodie comes in mens, womens, plus sizes, kids, and toddlers - so heck, outfit the whole family.
NEMO Fillo Elite:  https://alnk.to/clXbnUV 
This little pillow is the coziest I’ve ever found, and that’s coming from someone who has some major neck issues.

Want to shop the whole Anniversary Sale? Click here:  https://alnk.to/esWh9Ih 

*The links above are affiliate links. If you choose to buy something through these links, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you. That money goes straight back into making content for YouTube! Thank you for your support 💚

Okay, that’s it from me for now! Happy weekend, and I’ll see y’all next Sunday with a new vid!! 

1 month ago (edited) • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Please enjoy 20 straight minutes of fully unhinged backpacking shenanigans! 😆 These are bloopers, gags, fails, and outtakes from over a year of content on my channel. May your Sunday be as joyfully chaotic as this blooper reel. Massive thanks to Abby for editing this and reminding us how much fun we have together. I hope you enjoy! 

Love y'all 💚 

20 Straight Minutes of Backpacking Bloopers!

Miranda Goes Outside!!

1 month ago • 33,698 views

1 month ago (edited) • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Hey y’all! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to share an adventure story from a subscriber!

This love story comes from Meagan ❤️ Meagan’s lighthearted story is a lesson in exhibiting caution (or… learning to, that is) and not taking yourself too seriously, and it reminds me SO MUCH of how I got my trail name, Stumbles. Meagan, I don’t know if I don’t know if you already have a trail name, but based on this story I think it should be something like “vacay” or “jetsetter” - you know, because you’re always taking trips 😉

I hope you and your girlfriend have many beautiful hikes ahead of you! They sound like a fun adventure buddy! Read Meagan’s story for yourself:


My name is Meagan and I've been a fan of MirandaGoesOutside for a few months now. This channel really inspired me to start getting outside more and how to prepare when hiking (and eventually backpacking!!! I'm building up my gear for that right now). 

My story isn't too long but funny enough for me.

So my girlfriend and I went on a hike up in the Henry Cowell Redwoods. We were getting a bit tired and so I wanted to bring up the energy. I gently smacked their shoulder and said "tag." I didn't move to run. They looked at me, smacked my arm back, yelled tag, and took off at a sprint. I kept walking because I didn't want to run, but I laughed. Shaking my head, I approached them and gave a hug, then walked on a bit more. After a minute or so, I tagged them back and went off at a full on sprint. Little did I know, I was quickly approaching a part of the trail where tree roots covered most of it. I fell. Over the roots. Sprinting.

According to my girlfriend I did a wonderfully graceful starfish then landed straight on my face.

I'm perfectly fine other than a small bump on my forehead from my hat hitting my forehead, but I fear this is a very common trait of mine. I fell at Yosemite quite bad back in September, and then in North Hollywood in October which was even worse.
My girlfriend held my hand the rest of that hike, and we no longer played tag. Don't play tag while on a trail that is anything but flat. ‘Tis my bit of advice. 


Want to submit your own story? Email me at community@mirandagoesoutside.com for a chance to be featured on our channel! Just send me your name as you’d like it to appear, a few photos, and a story from your trip. Every Wednesday I’ll pick a new story to share!

See you outside,


1 month ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Hey y’all! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to share an adventure story from a subscriber!

This story comes from Lucy. I was so struck by Lucy’s gorgeous photos, and her story is full of resilience and joy in the face of an incredibly challenging diagnosis. I’m so grateful to Lucy for sharing this beautiful story, and for putting her adventures out in the world for other people to be inspired, motivated, and encouraged. I hope y’all will take a second to read this today - it’s worth it. 💚

You can find Lucy’s channel here:  https://www.youtube.com/@lucy_orangina 
And her website with her art here:

Without further ado, here’s Lucy’s story:

Hi Miranda,

First of all I want to say thank you for taking time to read my story. I really love this idea you did with stories of other people as many times it inspired me.

My story started a year ago. On New Year’s I decided to quit my job and started as a full time artist. I do backpacking and it is the source of my inspiration. With a new fresh look for 2023, I didn’t expect how my life would change. 

In February they told me I have cancer and all I cared about at that time was if I could still backpack during chemotherapy, radiotherapy,  surgeries etc.

I have my own channel so I decided I will do what I love despite my limitations and share my progress with the world on YouTube.  Backpacking, hardship, joy, happiness and time outside helped me so much with dealing not just with side effects but mostly mentally I felt so strong. I managed to accomplish 8 of 12 destinations I put on a list of adventures, hiked over 900 km and all during my treatment. To prove that not all what they tell us is true. 
They told me I can’t hike, do solo trips, I will feel terribly weak and sick.
I’m still on treatment and planning more trips this year. 
Sharing my story on my channel helped so many people with cancer so I hope if you decide to choose my story it can help more people to motivate, inspire and let them know that all is possible.

Pictures are from my most brave adventure to Lofoten. I suffer with social anxiety and I was not able to leave house on my own. Thanks to backpacking and hiking I made my dream come true and went to see the Northern Lights.

Wish you all the best Miranda,

Love your channel.

Want to submit your own story? Email me at community@mirandagoesoutside.com for a chance to be featured on our channel! Just send me your name as you’d like it to appear, a few photos, and a story from your trip. Every Wednesday I’ll pick a new story to share!

See you outside,


1 month ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Hey y’all! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to share an adventure story from a subscriber! YouTube had a technical glitch last week, but now we’re back :)

This story comes from Terri, and it’s an awesome lesson in making the best of a situation - even if that means changing your plans!! This reminds me so much of a time when I wound up stuck in a hotel next to a drive-up chapel in Vegas, drying out my gear after a sudden storm. You said it best, Terri: sometimes you make the best of an unexpected trip!

Here’s Terri’s tale:

Hi Miranda! 

Last year, my partner and I moved to Washington state from the southeast part of the US. As part of the first few months of exploring our new home on the West Coast, we thought we would drive down the 101 to Redwood National Forest.  Our first night we secured a campsite at Gold Bluff Beach. We were so excited! We arrived at the campground just before sunset, and it was just beautiful. After we set up our tent in what felt like the perfect spot, ate some dinner, and watched the sunset we realized we had forgotten both of our sleeping bags! We didn’t want to leave so we thought we would try putting on every stitch of clothing we had and “tough it out.” We couldn't stay in the tent- it was too cold and windy on the beach, so we tried to stay warm in the car. Of course we set off our car alarm in the middle of the night trying to get in now well after midnight. 
Not being able to stay warm in the car, we eventually ended up driving an hour to the nearest Motel 6. After that, none of our other trip plans seemed to be working out quite right so after day two we embraced it and ended up having the best unexpected trip…so many laughs. 
Thanks so much for the information, the laughs, and the humanness! 

Want to submit your own story? Email me at community@mirandagoesoutside.com for a chance to be featured on our channel! Just send me your name as you’d like it to appear, a few photos, and a story from your trip. Every Wednesday I’ll pick a new story to share!

See you outside,


1 month ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

If you follow my channel and  @eric_hanson , it's a sweet double feature Sunday today! Eric invited me to do a four day backpacking trip in Buckskin Gulch and Paria Canyon, thought to be the longest slot canyon on earth, and of course I leapt at the opportunity to backpack with one of my favorite YouTubers! Eric's video about the trip went live this morning, and it's a must watch! Eric, I had the most amazing time backpacking with you! Thank you so much for inviting me. Let's do it again soon!!

In addition to backpacking with Eric, I hit up some of my other fellow YouTubers (like  @KyleHatesHiking , and  @DanBecker ) to see if they'd pick my gear for me! My video about using the gear they chose on the epic adventure with Eric is live on my channel now, and you can watch it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jjqZ... 

Lots more backpacking content coming to my channel soon as the snows melt here in the mountains of central Washington State. Stay tuned! 

Love y'all 💚 

Backpacking One of the Most Epic Canyons in the World

Eric Hanson

1 month ago • 35,746 views

1 month ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Hey y'all!! I'm working on planning my *first* ever group trip, and I would love some help!

After over a year of researching how to host hikes and vetting a variety of companies, I've decided to go through TrovaTrip - a popular company that facilitates adventures led by professional guides, and hosted by creators. TrovaTrip utilizes a generic survey that helps hosts (like me!) create a trip that best fits you all! I'm keen on hosting an adventure that allows me to share knowledge through informal seminars and group gatherings, while exploring a beautiful place with professional guides.

Like I said, this is a generic survey from TrovaTrip, but please fill it out to the best of your ability! I'm leaning towards doing a trip somewhere in the USA or Canada for starters 👀 I'd especially love to take you all to a place I've traveled before, so I can share my love of a specific destination!

Okay: here's the link!! Big love to all of you ❤️


1 month ago • Miranda Goes Outside!!

Thank you to the amazing  @eric_hanson  for inviting me to be a part of Battle of the Backpackers! Go watch this video and subscribe to Eric's channel - and if you want *more* from me and Eric, I've got something big dropping this Sunday! 🤫 

Battle of the Backpackers: Miranda Goes Outside VS Eric Hanson

Eric Hanson

2 months ago • 60,375 views