3 weeks ago β€’ Armchair Academics

Thanks to a significant donation from an incredibly generous anonymous donor, this week our campaign to fund the second half of The Animated History of Tibet passed 50% of our goal! We're thrilled and there's still one month left in the campaign -- so, if you haven't checked out our page, why not head over and see what we're all about? At igg.me/at/fundtheanimatedhistoryoftibet we offer a pile of great perks for our backers -- and every donation helps build momentum and improve the optics of the campaign... no matter how small. So please do consider donating to support our work! πŸ™ 

1 month ago β€’ Armchair Academics

Hey you! Yes, you! Did you know that we're currently fundraising to provide for the translation and re-release of The Animated History of Tibet in fully-narrated Central Tibetan and Mandarin-language versions? It's a huge project that would also provide work for translators and native-speaking voice actors, so please do come over and check us out (igg.me/at/fundtheanimatedhistoryoftibet). Backers also get some pretty cool perks (with a secret, very cool perk for our 2022 backers if they donate a second time!). 

1 month ago (edited) β€’ Armchair Academics

Our crowdfunding campaign for The Animated History of Tibet is live! Our goal is to translate and re-release the entire series with Tibetan-language and Mandarin-language subtitles + narration, as well as finance episodes five through nine! 
Check out our campaign page and help us spread the word! πŸ‘‡πŸŽ¬ Let's bring The Animated History of Tibet all the way into the 21st century!

Check out the campaign at:  https://igg.me/at/fundtheanimatedhistoryoftibet 

2 months ago β€’ Armchair Academics

We are thrilled to announce that we are partnering with the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) Channel 3 to air The Animated History of Tibet and other educational content in the Kingdom of Bhutan. It's an awesome opportunity to bring our work on Tibetan history and the history of Tibetan Buddhism to new audiences. Couldn't be happier! πŸŽ‰πŸ€ 

2 months ago β€’ Armchair Academics

Just in case you didn't see the community notification, the second episode of The Animated History of Tibet is live! "The Golden Age of the Tibetan Empire" covers one of the most interesting periods in the early history of Tibet -- a century of warfare and cultural change during which Buddhism became one of the dominant forces in the Tibetan Empire. Head over and check it out! And don't forget to comment and like the video, as well. All that YouTube jazz helps the project grow!! 

5 months ago β€’ Armchair Academics

Hello everyone! Just in case you were wondering... we're still here! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to keep to our normal upload schedule this month due to crunch for the Animated History of Tibet. Mea culpa. But I'm sitting on two finished scripts right now and am just waiting for a moment to get back to shooting and editing. We're hoping to have at least one video out before the semester break; but, just in case you don't see me before then, I wanted to wish all of you a happy holiday season wherever you are  🍻 

9 months ago (edited) β€’ Armchair Academics

Animated History of Tibet update! 🎬
The Animated History of Tibet is now on Instagram πŸ‘‰ (www.instagram.com/animatedhistoryoftibet)! We’ll be migrating a lot of our concept art and illustrations over to Instagram to build a more creative space than we currently have on our other social media. So please do come on over and follow us if you would like updates on the team’s amazing artwork. We’re going to continue posting project updates here and on Facebook, though. So do hang around for news related to the production! 

1 year ago β€’ Armchair Academics

I'm way behind on my work this month due to some unforeseen family issues, but I wanted to take a poll to see what topics you'd like us to cover next. The video I'm working on at the moment (delayed, but in the works) in going to be an introduction to postcolonial film, but after that I haven't settled on a topic. What subject(s) would you like me to discuss? 

Frantz Fanon, postcolonial author and revolutionary

The five most important ethnographies ever written

The 'best' film adaptation Hamlet (or maybe Macbeth)

An analysis of the postcolonial film, The Battle of Algiers

81 votes

1 year ago β€’ Armchair Academics

Animated History of Tibet update 🎬πŸ₯³: 
We're putting together character models for some of the series' early protagonists and they're looking phenomenal. Getting very excited to see the rest of the artwork come together! I mean, check out the early concept art for Songtsen Gampo, the Princess Semarkhar, and Ligmicha, the last king of Zhang Zhung: 

1 year ago β€’ Armchair Academics

Today we are celebrating World Water Day 🌍 and this year it is all about accelerating change to solve water and sanitation crises around the world. That might sound like a natural science problem at first; however, it deeply concerns anthropology, as well. In fact, we have a whole sub-discipline that focuses on the interrelations between populations and their environments. Want to know more? Maybe even study it? Take a look at our introduction to Environmental Anthropology(!):  https://youtu.be/SaEncGWkn-Q 

(image credit: Designed by Freepic)