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A sneak peek into Crush 2024.
Anyone who’s ever moved will tell you how much work it is and how exhausted they are.😅😂
Found this nature spot just 10 minutes away from our home! 🌿😌
Send help and send SPRING please. 🥲😂
Homeowners - that might be our new favourite word! ❤️🥰
A short glimpse into our special day ❤️❤️
What makes Finland, the happiest country, the happiest? 🇫🇮
Becoming an expat is probably the hardest thing we ever did, and yet also the most rewarding. 🌍
🇫🇮 Want to study in Finland?
One month to go till wedding… 🤯
2023… 🌟 Thank you for all of the memories! 💖
Are you still in the mood for holiday food, or are you already in a food coma? 🎄
Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅 Sending our love and warm thoughts from a snowy Stockholm! 🇸🇪
After every successful partythere's a trip to the grocery store to return cans and bottles. 😌
Part 4 of cool features in our Finnish home - our sauna.
Part 3 of cool features in our Finnish home: heated bathroom floors 😄
Welcome to Part 2 of cool features of our Finnish home.
Cool features of our Finnish apartment part 1. 😎
Can’t stop smiling every time we look at the wedding invites! ❤️
👋 Join us on a visit to a rooftop spa in Helsinki
🎉Join us on our engagement anniversary celebration on a budget in Turku, Finland! 💍
💍 One year engaged 💍
Sneak peek of Michelin Chef’s Lunch event in Turku, Finland 😍😍
Spend a day with us in Finnish nature 🌿
Husky ride in Finnish Lapland ❄️💙
Home cooked delicious meal & Netflix or a fancy night out this Valentine’s day? 💕
Braving the cold together as we take our first dip into the icy waters of Finland (-10 C). 🥶
And with that, the 2022 season comes to an end...
Me during the holidays VS also me during the holidays. 😅😂