5 days ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

Amoebas are one of the most familiar characters of the microcosmos, and plenty of them are recognized as naked blobs with false feet that help them move around. 

But they're not all naked! A number of them have also evolved to use shells. 


12 days ago (edited) • Journey to the Microcosmos

Normally we handle our microscopic friends with caution, but we did make an exception for today's episode. 

That's because this cloudy green blob can handle it. We promise it is regenerating back to its familiar trumpet shape. 

2 weeks ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

These are the last Microcosmos Microscopes that we will sell.  https://complexly.io/microscope 

2 weeks ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

Every journey has to come to an end eventually, and while this isn't goodbye just yet, we are sad to announce that our journey will be ending soon. Please watch the full announcement for the details. 

3 weeks ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

You might recognize some of the footage in this trailer...


Turtles All The Way Down | Official Trailer | Max


3 weeks ago • 791,884 views

3 weeks ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

It's our favorite holiday and we made this gift just for you.

The Microcosmos Compilation Compilation | Compilation

Journey to the Microcosmos

3 weeks ago • 66,895 views

1 month ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

Everything does eventually go back to microbes, even cancer. 

(This is Hank's Cancer) 

1 month ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

This MITE be the creepiest and crawliest compilation we've ever done. These MITEY organisms are also microscopic and hard to spot. That's how they get away with being everywhere from the rinds of your favorite cheese to the pores of your face. It's a mite compilation! 


1 month ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

You may be tempted to describe a sea slug simply as a slug that lives in the sea. 

But sea slugs can be spectacular, and under the microscope, these photosynthesizing slugs truly bloom.


1 month ago • Journey to the Microcosmos

While the real delicacy of some microbes includes the tissues of other dying organisms, they've also been known to dine on blood. 

So, we fed our blood to microbes. 