4 months ago (edited) • Siim Land

Happy New Year!

I know a lot of people make New Year's resolutions to be healthier, happier, and more successful

Here are a few habits I recommend to pick up for longevity:

- Do zone 2 cardio 2-3x a week
- Go to bed at the right time
- Stop eating added sugar
- Aim for 10-12,000 steps a day
- Block blue light at night

But as we all know, most people aren't able to stick to their resolutions

They stop going to the gym after 2 weeks

They start regaining weight in 2 months

Habits are indeed very difficult to change, but it's possible

You can turn your health trajectory around:
- Decide to improve
- Go to bed at the right time
- Get a refreshing night's sleep
- Morning bright light exposure for 5-10 minutes
- Meditation/breathwork

The idea is that bad sleep and complacency maintain the habit loop of self-destructive habits 

You can't change habits if you suffer from decision fatigue 

By priming yourself to change and facilitating proper recovery, you take the first step toward change

Then staying consistent with it is the only thing that makes it easier

Albert Einstein said: "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it."

Compounding interest works both ways - making good habits easier to stick to and bad habits harder to break

Just knowing and acknowledging that is so powerful

That's why I invite you to make 2024 your healthiest year

A few months ago I had my first retreat in India

It was an amazing experience at the 5-star Leela Palace

If you haven't seen my video about the trip and what I did, then check it out here:  https://youtu.be/2RPeijoLaWo 

This was no ordinary retreat where people have lectures and do yoga

This was the most advanced biohacking retreat on the planet

Here's what we did there with a local longevity clinic AIWO:
- blood test with 180 biomarkers
- full body MRI
- electrocardiogram
- fitness tests, like VO2 max and resting metabolic rate test
- DEXA scan and bone density analysis
- posture analysis and physiotherapy
- ultrasound
- face skin analysis and hydro facial treatment
- spa therapy and massages

And so much more

You can check out the full catalog of services here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yExLpSNijlK0oE88rHk2OPGWB-Emt2ag/view  

It's basically a full body complete health checkup plus consultation with some of the best doctors in India 

Getting all these things done in the US or EU would cost anywhere from $25,000 to 30,000 but they're doing it for 1/5th of the price

It's an all-inclusive retreat, which means: 
- transportation from the airport to the hotel and back 
- 7-day accommodation at the 5-star luxury hotel 
- all meals included
- all the tests and bloodwork included
- 180 biomarkers measured via blood test
- any other test and scan you want
- complimentary supplements 
You can find more info here:  https://aiwo.com/pages/healthacation  

I'm going to go back to AIWO's clinic at the 5-star hotel on February 5th. 
You can join anytime between February 1st and 10th

If you want to join then send me a message and I'll have you signed up siim@siimland.com 

Stay Empowered

6 months ago (edited) • Siim Land

I'm excited to announce my next book that will be released early 2024 

The Longevity Leap: Unlock the Secrets to Slowing Down Aging and Adding Healthy Years to Your Life 

It's the culmination of all my work in longevity research and experimentation. 

I hope to bring the most practical and evidence-based book on longevity and healthspan

You can sign up for the updates and you'll get a bonus chapter about longevity supplements once the book is released 



10 months ago • Siim Land

Such a good stack

Beneficial for all aspects of aging

Functional aspects like fitness and physucal performance

Cognitive aspects and brain aging

Metabolic health and disease prevention

Aesthetics side

Better sleep

And much more

Do you want to slow down aging?

If yes, then I'm looking for more people who want to reverse their biological clock

If you're interested then email me the word HEALTH to info@siimland.com

And I'll send you the details


Stay Empowered

11 months ago (edited) • Siim Land

A new 2023 review looked at the effect of different lifestyle and dietary factors on epigenetic aging 

Here are the main findings of the paper:

1. Twin studies show that up to 70-80% of the epigenetic variance can be attributed to environmental factors (PMID: 29706550; PMID: 27051996).

Thus, lifestyle and environment have the biggest influence on epigenetic aging

2. Smoking has the most negative epigenetic changes related to aging. Such as the activation of senescence genes (PMID: 26081616) and increasing epigenetic age of respiratory organs (PMID: 31801625)

3. Regular alcohol drinkers have been found to have accelerated epigenetic age (PMID: 34636470). 

People with alcohol use disorder are on average 2.2 years biologically older than healthy controls (PMID: 31466081)

4. Calorie restriction has been shown to decrease epigenetic age by up to 2-3 years in humans (PMID: 33844651). 

A 15-25% calorie restriction for 2 years has been seen to slow the speed of aging by 2-3% which is predicted to reduce mortality risk by 10-15% (PMID: 37118425)

5. Foods that have been found to slow epigenetic aging: fish, poultry, fruit, vegetables, and garlic. Also, curcumin, green tea, coffee, herbs, and other polyphenols

6. Lifelong exercise is associated with slower epigenetic aging (PMID: 30824849). 

People who are the fittest have up to 3-5 times lower mortality rates than the least fit people of the same age group (PMID: 2795824)

7. A higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with faster epigenetic aging (PMID: 31791395). 

Every 10 units of BMI correspond to 1–3 years of epigenetic age across blood, liver, and adipose tissues (PMID: 35699258)

8. Psychological stress and trauma accelerate epigenetic aging (PMID: 26673150). 

Traumatic stress has been associated with 2 additional years of epigenetic age among Dutch soldiers deployed in Afghanistan (PMID: 25129579)

The authors also point out the many challenges with epigenetic clocks, such as the fact that different clocks measure age using different CpG sites and that they suffer from low interpretability 

Overall, the study mainly revealed the things we already know that are good and bad for longevity

My upcoming longevity retreat with my wife @iaminkaland.

It will be in Gran Canaria this September!

This retreat is designed to help you unlock the secrets to a long and healthy life, and equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to optimize your health and well-being.

Our fantastic 5-star wellness resort provides a peaceful and comfortable space where you can relax and recharge.

Join us for a 5 day transformative escape


Stay Empowered

11 months ago • Siim Land

Sleep is crucial

The difference between a good night's and bad night's sleep can be heaven or hell

And longevity or premature aging

Sleeping less than 6 hours a night is linked to 12% higher mortality (PMID: 20469800)

It also worsens your biomarkers and makes it easier to gain weight

Here are some of the tricks that actually make a difference in improving sleep quality

1. Bright light exposure during the day. Infrared from sunlight helps to make melatonin the sleep hormone

2. Exercise during the day to build up sleep drive and make you more tired

3. Stop eating a few hours before bed to sleep deeper

4. Take 3-5 grams of glycine 1h before bed. It lowers your body temperature and increases GABA the inhibitory neurotransmitter

5. Block blue and green light from technology because it suppresses melatonin

And of course, maintain a regular bedtime that's consistent


Do you want to slow down aging?

If yes, then email me the word HEALTH and I'll send you the details


Stay Empowered

11 months ago • Siim Land

For the average person getting started

You don't need crazy stuff like rapamycin

Start with this list

1. Glycine and NAC for boosting glutathione

Glycine also for blood sugar levels and collagen synthesis

2. Collagen because you startt losing skin collagen already in your 20s

3. Magnesium because a lot of people are low in magnesium

Especially if you don't eat magnesium-rich foods and are under metabolic and psychological stress

4. Vitamin K2 for the cardiovascular benefits, espexially if not getting enough of it from foods

All very safe, cheap and effective


Do you want to slow down aging?

If yes, the  email me the word HEALTH and I'll tell you how


Stay Empowered

11 months ago • Siim Land

I don't know if you've noticed, but the world isn't that healthy

- About 50% of people are overweight or obese
- 1 out of 4 people has diabetes or prediabetes
- 1 out of 4 people will die to heart disease

And the trend appears to be getting worse and worse

But being healthy isn't magic

It's actually quite simple

Here are the things you need to do to get healthier than 90% of people

- Stop drinking alcohol (maybe a few drinks a week is fine)
- Exercise 2-3x a week
- Don't eat ultra-processed food (junk food)
- Don't drink sugar-sweetened beverages
- Sleep 7-8 hours
- Don't smoke - zero

Doing that will already increase your life expectancy by an additional 10 years above the average!

My upcoming longevity retreat with my wife @iaminkaland is going to be in Gran Canaria this September!

This retreat is designed to help you unlock the secrets to a long and healthy life, and equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to optimize your health and well-being.

During the retreat, we'll explore the latest research and cutting-edge techniques for enhancing longevity and preventing age-related decline.

You'll have plenty of time to unwind, de-stress, and enjoy the natural beauty of our surroundings.

Our fantastic 5-star wellness resort provides a peaceful and comfortable space where you can relax and recharge.

Join us for a 5 day transformative escape



Stay Empowered

1 year ago • Siim Land

It's never too late to start

And you can always see improvements no matter how big or significant

You can't change for the better if your willpower and decision making is fatigued

The root of that problem is inadequate recovery and sleep

Decide to make a change and facilitate that with a deliberate good night's sleep

Intentionality is what carries momentum

Then start the day with the right circadian alignment that facilitates good sleep the following night

Everything else is much easier that way

If the circadian rhythms of your body and the intention of your mind run in harmonious sync


Do you want to have more energy?

If yes' I'm looking for more people who want to reverse their biological clock

If you're interested then email me the word HEALTH

And I'll send you the details


Stay Empowered

1 year ago • Siim Land

Chronically high blood sugar is very harmful

Hyperglycemia, as it's called, is a hallmark of diabetes and insulin resistance

Howver, it goes beyond that

Hyperglycemia also promotes the development of many other chronic diseases

Like cardiovascular diseasr, neurodegeneration, metabolic syndrome and others

High blood sugar damages blood vessels and the retina

Also breaks down your collagen in the skin and joints

Ultimately, accelerating aging

Episodic rises and falls in blood sugar are normal

But if your blood sugar levels are chronically elevated, it's a detrimental sign

Normal fasting blood sugar should be below 100 mg/dl or 5.6 mmol/L

HbA1c reflects the average blood sugar over the past few weeks and it should be normally below 5.5%

Get the new book with @drjamesdinic The Blood Sugar Fix from Amazon  https://amzn.to/3NffM9k 


Stay Empowered

1 year ago • Siim Land

Don't miss the cues

Circadian rhythm alignment sets the foundation to all your body's longevity pathways

Being in synchrony enables the activation of key repair and energy pathways

Being out of sync reduces their effectiveness

You don't have to micro manage this

But realize and respect the overarching diurnal pattern

- bright lights in the morning
- avoid artificial light at night

As a result, it becomes easier to stay healthy

Because the clocks are in sync and your body runs like clockwork

Do you want to slow down aging?

If yes, then I'm looking for more people who want to reverse their biological age

If you're interested then email me the word HEALTH and I'll send you the details


Stay Empowered