1 year ago • nemui atelier

hi gaming friends! i hope 2023 has been treating you well so far, both in-game and IRL ✿

so i have a bit of an announcement to make—i’ve been working on a lil’ side project i’m now ready to share with all of you, and that project is a reboot of my blog:  https://www.prettycutegamer.com/ !

for 2023, i’ve given it a bit of a makeover, and i’m committed to making it a space where i’ll be writing up more content for my fellow cute enthusiasts and cozy gamers. 

not all of the ideas i come up for YT end up being videos, but i still wanted to find some way to share the information and research i do for some of those ideas somewhere, which is where my blog comes in! i’ve always had a soft spot for blogging, and have always been pretty comfortable with writing out my thoughts instead of voicing them, so i’m excited to have this new creative outlet to work on this year, alongside YT.

i’ve prepared my list of faves from 2022 for you, so please feel free to check that out while i’m whipping up more things in the background. 

i’m also planning on writing up thorough guides, reviews, and serving you the latest scoop on cute and cozy gaming related news there, so i hope you decide to stop by! additional YT content is also baking in the oven rn, so be on the lookout for that ◡̈

thank you so much for all of your support this far! it's because of you that i can invest more time into the hobbies i hold near and dear to my heart, including making gaming-related content to share with everyone, and i will always be grateful ♡

- j 

1 year ago • nemui atelier

hello! so i've just spent a few hours with the CBT for zenless zone zero and the drip is ridiculous—i spent a solid 10+ minutes just flipping through menus because everything is animated so stylishly :') 

just wanted to share a few initial impressions from me for those who are curious about hoyoverse's new game, since i'm not sure i'll be making any content on it:

- you can choose between a male or female MC, but whoever you *don't* choose gets more dialogue, they basically have conversations with characters on your behalf (think paimon to the traveler), not sure if this changes later on. the MC you choose is the avatar you walk around with in the overworld

- the story is told through a variety of *really* well animated cutscenes, static comic strips, and 1-1 character dialogues

- combat plays a bit like a hack-and-slash, featuring timing perfect dodges and dodge counters, chaining combos, grades at the end of each stage s/ss, etc. 

- imo the roguelike comparison mostly comes from the fact that for missions you have to find a path through a map with random events (if you've played darkest dungeon, think moving through the map and encountering random events, rng buffs/debuffs, enemy encounters, etc.)

- there's an "artifact" set system, so if you equip 2 / 4 from a set of equipment, you get bonuses like atk% +, etc. equipment has a main stat, a substat, and can be upgraded, so genshin players should know what that means...

- both CN and JP voice acting are amazing so far, hoyoverse doesn't seem to miss in this department (also idk if it's just me, but miyabi sounds a lot like raiden shogun, who is voiced by miyuki sawashiro...)

- outside of the combat stages you can wander around in a little neighborhood and interact with npcs a bit. if you've played persona 5, it's like walking around neighborhoods while not in palaces / mementos

if you'd like to learn more i'm sure others are uploading zzz gameplay as we speak 👀  if you have access to the tuning test, lmk what you think so far :)

- j 

1 year ago • nemui atelier

hello hello! ✿ it's me, checking in after a lil' break, hope you all have been well! ◡̈

i've actually been on a break for the majority of the month and was also out of the country, but i'm v glad to be home and happy to start dreaming up more content to share with you all this summer. i also got the chance to finish elden ring in my genshin grind downtime and try ni no kuni: cross worlds, but that's all for gaming highlights lol

just wanted to let you all know that i appreciate your patience in waiting for something new and also just for dropping by! wishing you a lovely start to the summer ♡

much love,

p.s. would also love game reccs to fill the summer backlog! what have you been playing? i'm always down for a new rpg to fill the elden ring void... (just not another souls game for the meantime please haha) 

2 years ago • nemui atelier

hi friends! 💕 in addition to my regularly scheduled chill genshin ambience, one of my next gameplay videos will actually be for elden ring! hopefully, joining me in the Lands Between as I desperately try to survive will be a relaxing and calming experience for you, even if it’s *definitely* not for me ◡̈

much love,
j (tarnished + maidenless)

(if it wasn’t obvious, happy April fool’s hehe*)

*tbf I do love Elden Ring even if it doesn’t love me back :’) 

2 years ago • nemui atelier

i’m still in a bit of shock but…thank you so much for 100k!!! i can’t believe i’m in the presence of 100k people who love gaming, cute things, and genshin as much as i do 🥺 truly my fave combination and my fave community ♡

honestly, i never thought sharing snippets of my lil’ gaming hobby on this channel would reach 100 of you, much less 100k…. being able to share my most loved and longest lifetime hobby has been a dream and has brought me so much comfort during the past year, and i can’t tell you how happy it makes me when i hear that my content brings some joy to your day! as cliché as it might sound, it does mean the world to me!

i really don’t know how else to express my gratitude for you tuning in and sharing in my love of gaming, but i can promise you that i'll do my best to keep creating things that will hopefully bring some cute and comfy vibes to your gaming life (و •̀ ᴗ•́ )و

here’s to many more cherished gaming memories to come! ◡̈

much love (and appreciation),

2 years ago • nemui atelier

it's the end of the 25th where i am but i wanted to wish you all a v happy holiday/christmas, even if it's a bit late! i hope it was a wonderful day of festivities, regardless of what you celebrate ◡̈ 

here's to another year of happy gaming! 💕 - j

**i made the props for a video but ended up not recording it... maybe another time :') 

2 years ago • nemui atelier

doing some ✨ research ✨ — which dub for genshin impact do you think is the most underrated? 

chinese dub

korean dub

english dub

japanese dub

11K votes

2 years ago • nemui atelier

thanks santa itto's so perfect even shiki koshou is swooning 🥺 

2 years ago • nemui atelier

ok who put the poison puppers on floor 12 i just want to talk

...otherwise I hope you're enjoying winter wonderland 2.3 ♡ more genshin content to come this month! (و •̀ ᴗ•́ )و

- j 🎀 

2 years ago • nemui atelier

hey you—happy yanfei day ♡ and also tysm for 20k aaAAAAAAAAA i appreciate each and everyone of you as much as yanfei appreciates a good book at 2cm away from her face (which is a lot)

have a nice day, ok? see you soon ♡

(i'm not left-handed, i kind of lied in this pic oop) 

- j 🎀