12 days ago (edited) • Splattercatgaming

Regarding where have the videos gone : 

Youtube has made some changes lately that have made me develop a toxic relationship with my video creation. I've spent so much time trying to make the platform happy that I have become unhappy with my work by extension. I edit and edit and edit and re edit and re-record and I'm still not happy. I then upload the thing I'm not happy with and doubt my work later on and remove it. I'm aware of the problem and am going to start working towards fixing myself in this regard. Hopefully it will stop in the near future and I can stop caring about the way youtube views my content, and get back to seeing what I do as having value and having fun with it again. 

Sorry for any frustration or inconvenience caused folks. I'm kinda in a sloppy place with video creation right now and I'm working through it. 

5 months ago • Splattercatgaming

Wishing you all a very awesome turkey day. Eat some extra stuffing for me! 

8 months ago • Splattercatgaming

If the videos every day aren't enough, I usually do supplementary 4 hour streams or so of the games I've been featuring on  https://twitch.tv/splattercatgaming  on Tuesday - Thursday + Sunday around 2PM PST. (San Francisco time)

If you're having trouble figuring out when a stream is happening feel free to pop into my discord as well and we'll get you sorted :  https://discord.gg/Splattercatgaming 

I'll try to post a reminder on this board every now and again but it may slip my mind. Looking forward to seeing you all on whatever medium you decide to join me!