3 weeks ago (edited) • Studio

Google apparently doesn't let you win arguments with fools because any source you provide, even if you directly quote it without links, get immediately flagged as spam and deleted, so thanks for that! Anyways, to the complete fool who doesn't know that birds evolved from maniraptoran theropods on a random video in a galaxy far, far away -- here are my original sources ripped from online (just in case there's any confusion out there)

"Birds evolved from a group of meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods. That's the same group that Tyrannosaurus rex belonged to, although birds evolved from small maniraptoran theropods. The gradual evolutionary change – from fast-running, ground-dwelling, bipedal theropods to small, winged, flying birds – probably started about 160 million years ago. It was possibly due to a move by some small theropods into trees in search of either food or protection." Lisa Hendry, Natural History Museum 

"Discoveries have shown that bird-specific features like feathers began to emerge long before the evolution of birds, indicating that birds simply adapted a number of pre-existing features to a new use. And recent research suggests that a few simple change—among them the adoption of a more babylike skull shape into adulthood—likely played essential roles in the final push to bird-hood. Not only are birds much smaller than their dinosaur ancestors, they closely resemble dinosaur embryos. Adaptations such as these may have paved the way for modern birds’ distinguishing features, namely their ability to fly and their remarkably agile beaks. The work demonstrates how huge evolutionary changes can result from a series of small evolutionary steps." - Emily Singer, Scientific America

"The scientific question of within which larger group of animals birds evolved has traditionally been called the "origin of birds". The present scientific consensus is that birds are a group of maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs that originated during the Mesozoic Era. Although the origin of birds has historically been a contentious topic within evolutionary biology, only a few scientists still dispute the dinosaurian origin of birds, suggesting descent from other types of archosaurian reptiles. Within the consensus that supports dinosaurian ancestry, the exact sequence of evolutionary events that gave rise to the early birds within maniraptoran theropods is disputed. The origin of bird flight is a separate but related question for which there are also several proposed answers." - Wiki

There are better links and explanations for people out there than these few that I skimmed from the web. But in truth, birds evolved from another species of the same type of dinosaur (theropods) long before their extinction and coexisted with other dinosaurs for much of the cretaceous period. Just like every other family of dinosaur from Dromaeosaurid, tyrannosauridae, and ankylosauridae. The idea that birds are somehow not reptiles because of an obtuse classification system, that they are not true dinosaurs, or that they did not co-exist with other dinosaurs... is simply incorrect. 

2 months ago (edited) • Studio

Juvenile tyrannosaurid fossil found (gorgosaurus) with its final meals still within its stomach; two caenagnathids both infants within the first year of their lives and weighing an estimated 19 to 26 pounds. Having two inside its stomach suggests this was one the juvenile tyrannosaurids' preferred meals.

Read more:  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/tyrannosaurus-fossil-found-with-final-meals-in-its-stomach/ar-AA1lH5bS?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=b61ecf99fa33429a9cc2901e6826b4bf&ei=5 

4 months ago • Studio

For anyone whose a fan of my Silent Hill 2 Teaser Trailer, I've released the full version. Feel free to take a look and drop a like! 

Silent Hill 2 (2024) - "Theme of Laura" Full Trailer | Official Konami


4 months ago • 290,401 views

6 months ago • Studio

Thanks everyone for this year. 6 million views and 26,000 new subscribers has been a huge milestone for me. I'm back everyone! I'll be releasing some new content soon! I'm still in recovery but I'm able to get back to work and I appreciate everyone's patience! 

7 months ago • Studio

There's been a complication with my surgery and they think I may have a bile leak. I'll keep you all updated. I may need another emergency operation. Or two actually. 😅 

7 months ago • Studio

Surgery went fine. But I have horrible complications and I'm in the most pain anyone could possibly be in. I feel like all my ribs are broken and like I've been shot in the gut. I can't move or talk, and breathing is an absolute nightmare. This is the worst pain I have ever experienced. I cannot explain to you how bad this is. I feel impaled and dangled in the air by spikes. 

7 months ago • Studio

Going into surgery now everyone. Wish me luck! 

7 months ago • Studio

Thank you everyone for helping me reach 40,000 subscribers today! You're all amazing and I can't wait until after my surgery and recovery to start working on new content for everyone! Thank you all so much! 

7 months ago (edited) • Studio

I want to apologize to everyone for the long break in content. I have to have major surgery very soon and it's quite risky and I've been focusing on getting my health to a place where I will recover as soon as possible. I need to have several things removed from my body that are no longer functioning, one of which is my entire gallbladder (which is risky for me even though it's a common surgery for most) and some polyps, etc. I'm highly sensitive to most anesthesia and painkillers, so it's a huge risk and if anything happens to me, I want everyone to know I've enjoyed making content for everyone. 

This has been the hardest 2 years of my life by an absolute cosmic landslide. If I survive the surgery, I will be in an incredibly weak state for a few months but will return to making content as soon as possible. I have a few things I'll try to release before I enter recovery and maybe schedule to release. Your contributions by tolerating ads have helped pay for a better diet for me and your views have been majorly responsible for my improvement in digestive and heart health this passed year (I can afford to stay on restrictive but costly diets). 

Thank you all for being so awesome and taking such an interest in a niche paleontology hobby. I can confirm that the next series will be specific animals for each video with updated information, vocalizations, and explanations about my conclusions. I will go over many animals I've already worked on with updated material so that everyone can take part in how I accomplish the work I've put out there. Special thanks to Paleontologist Julia Clarke for being the inspiration for this series and making her work model transparent for people like me to engage in.

Thanks everyone and stay tuned! I hope to provide another great year of content for you all that's even more stimulating and adventurous! 

8 months ago • Studio

What do you guys want next?