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The Floor is... Water!? #scratchgardensongs #thefloorislava #swimming
The Floor is LAVA!!! #scratchgardensongs #thefloorislava #lava
Some inspiration for your day!#scratchgardensongs #growthmindset #inspirational
Try a little harder today! #scratchgardensongs #mistakesarelessons #growthmindset
Today is a New Day! #scratchgardensongs #growthmindset #socialemotionallearning
Lemons & Limes Can Dance!!! #scratchgardenspecialreport #dancingfruit #lemonlime
It's... BANANA PANTS! #scratchgardensongs #bananacollection #banaras
STOP IT THIS IS SILLY SUPER SILLY I MEAN IT!!! #scratchgardensongs #stopcopyingme #callandresponse
Banana Shark, doo doo doo doo doo #scratchgardensongs #babyshark #bananacollection
We have reached 1 million subscribers! #scratchgardenspecialreport #1million
STOP COPYING ME! #scratchgardensongs #callandresponse #stopcopyingme
Just biking up the volcano to get me some enchiladas #scratchgardensongs #dontstepinthelava #lava
We're on top of an imaginary animated elephant! #yogabreak #salamanderyoga #brainbreak
JUST GET ME OUT OF THIS SNOW GLOBE! #christmassong #nontraditional  #holidaymusic
Learning about plants with an upside down ladybug! #scratchgardensongs #botany #sciencesong
Counting by Ones is Here! #scratchgardensongs #countingsongs #mathsongs
People are Flossing Wrong! #flossdance
Did you ever see a pug...? #scratchgardensongs #downbythebay #campsongs
Did you ever see a fish...? #scratchgardensongs #downbythebay #campsongs
Did you ever see a frog...? #scratchgardensongs #downbythebay #campsongs
Did you ever see a cat...? #scratchgardensongs #downbythebay #campsongs
We Made a Song and It's Nerve-racking!  #scratchgardensongs #halloween #halloweensong
Yoga with Spaghetti? #yogabreak #salamanderyoga #brainbreak
Just Practicing Mindfulness with Some Tiny Flying Alligators! #yogapractice #mindfulness #yogabreak
Let's Learn About Plants! #scratchgardensongs #sciencesongs #botany
'Quiet Time' songs just don't work in our world... #scratchgardensongs #quietmusic #quiettime
Funny Hats Are Important! #scratchgardensongs #skipcounting #countingby10s
Enchilada Enchilada!
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall... #scratchgardensongs #nurseryrhymes #getcrackin
It's the I'm Not a Banana Dance! #scratchgardensongs #bananasong #dancealong
Fish & Chips & Vinegar #scratchgardensongs #funsongs
I. AM. A. ROBOT. #scratchgardensongs #robotdance #dancefreeze
Basketball Pizza?! 🏀🍕?! #scratchgardensongs #basketball #pizza
Fish & Chips & Vinegar! #scratchgardensongs #fishandchips #songintheround
Salamander Shark! #scratchgardensongs #salamander #babyshark
Swim! Swim Faster! #scratchgardensongs #dancefreeze #dancebreak
This Way to the Cow Party! #scratchgardensongs #cows #cowparade #simplemachines
Who's Ready for Summer? #scratchgardensongs #seasons #watermelon
We are going to the beach! #scratchgardensongs #beach #beachsong #beachlife
I am not a banana, can you guess what I am? #scratchgardensongs #bananasong
Did somebody take my banana? #scratchgardenbloopers #itsybitsyspider #missingbanana
Then the Jumping Started!!! #scratchgardensongs #quietdown #quiettime
Hop! Hop! Hop! #dancefreeze #frogdance #dancebreak
Hey... is that a puppy?! #yogabreak #puppy #puppypose
Everywhere you look there is... space! #scratchgardensongs #artsong #visualart #elementsofart
Brick! Pickle! Backpack! #phonics #learnenglish  #digraphs
100 Days of School - It's Time to Celebrate!!! #100daysofschool #scratchgardensongs #100song
The Itsy Bitsy Spider is retiring! #itsybitsyspider #nurseryrhymes #spiders