1 month ago (edited) • Jake Doubleyoo

oopsie, I noticed a mistake in my Beowulf video and had to reupload the entire thing. It'll still be premiering tomorrow at the same time, but if you set a reminder for the original version, you'll have to do that again! 

1 month ago • Jake Doubleyoo

If God was a gamer, what game would he have 500+ hours in?

I swear this is for something. 

1 month ago • Jake Doubleyoo

New video next week probably 

2 months ago (edited) • Jake Doubleyoo

If anyone happens to be an expert in Paleo-Hebrew languages... Please send me an email with proof of your credentials. I need help. (Address in bio)
EDIT: I'm talking about *pre-*Biblical semitic languages, not modern or Biblical Hebrew. 

2 months ago • Jake Doubleyoo

What did you think of my most recent video format, where I just recited the Hymn to Dionysus verbatim instead of paraphrasing? 

2 months ago • Jake Doubleyoo

I've been working on two very different kinds of videos that have taken a lot longer than expected. I appreciate all you guys' patience. Afterword, I intend to get back to covering biblical narratives! 

3 months ago • Jake Doubleyoo


4 months ago • Jake Doubleyoo

This comment goes hard, ngl 

4 months ago • Jake Doubleyoo

I just realized that Thor is the embodiment of the saying, "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
No clever schemeing or trickery. Just smash. 

4 months ago • Jake Doubleyoo

She got a makeover by Arthur "Speculative Restoration" Evans