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Here's how to get rid of procrastination
The biggest problem with your brain
The brain loves learning
Procrastination vs being addicted to procrastination
How to massively reduce your exam ANXIETY
Why studying more isn't helping you
Why studying more isn't helping you
Most studying is a waste time
Most students will NEVER learn this
How I became an expert at learning
The secret to studying your textbook
How a study expert learns
How to make studying easy
How to learn any subject
Most students make this simple mistake
How to get in the prime Learning Zone
How to read a textbook efficiently
Hope for people with Dyslexia
Improve your learning with ADHD
How to study QUICKLY
THIS is more important than natural intelligence
Understand Math With Words
The most UNDERRATED learning skill
Overwhelmed in lectures? Do THIS
Are you bored when studying?
Stop trying to remember things when studying
How to stay ahead of the learning curve
Pretty notes = PASSIVE learning
How to understand important concepts?
Why pretty notes DON'T help your learning
What is effective learning?
What is encoding?
Stop using this as an excuse...
How does memory work?
How to take notes in lectures ?
Why prioritisation is more important than time management.#timemanagement #studytips #growth
Why don't they teach us to learn like this?
Students: WRITE your notes by hand
Students: your brain isn't a list
Do you check your learning objectives?
Most students are wasting time on notes
Note-taking is not like playing games
This is how you should read a text book
Good students understand this point
Good students understand this idea
You can learn anything it you go slowly enough
The #1 way students waste their time
Use your lecture objective to get good grades