2 years ago • Disk Cart

Book4Games has new products coming too Kickstarter! I previously reviewed their SNES book which was awesome. But it looks like they are going into even more detail in these new designs with windows to see the games! Please consider checking it out. Kickstarter begins Friday. You can sign up HERE :   https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/book4games/precision-game-storage-boxes 

2 years ago • Disk Cart

Always looking for some fresh game rooms for the Game Room Tours series ! Small Collection, Big Collection, Interesting display in your collection, Game setups ! We take them all. This video explains HOW to send your Photos in :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ui_d... 
Thanks for all of the support throughout the years and Collect What You LOVE! Do it! 

2 years ago • Disk Cart

I'll be Collecting What I Love at Too Many Games October 8 - 10 in Oaks PA . I Love this convention Always something crazy to find or see and of course tons of great people to meet. If you see me walking around say hi! Collect What You Love! 

2 years ago • Disk Cart

Would you watch or send in photos for a Halloween themed Game Room Tours episode? Rules would be the same as normal Game Room Tours but with the added (Needs to be halloweenified). That could be anything from a couple pumpkins , Halloween themed items, A REAL GHOST!? , Or even a bunch of Halloween themed games being displayed. Also WE NEED GAMEROOMS for standard game room tours episodes! Let people Know, Share the videos and keep enjoying your game rooms! Link HERE for how to send :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ui_d... 

YES for Halloween Themed Game Room Tours!

No for the Halloween Themed Game Room Tours

210 votes

2 years ago • Disk Cart

Always open for more Game Room , Game Space and Game Collection photos for the Game Room Tours series! Video on how to send HERE:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ui_d... 

2 years ago • Disk Cart

These are the places people do not see! Unless of course you lurk in our discord where we've made a new channel for behind the scenes stuff. Also planning a Gameroom / Studio setup tour so be sure to turn on all notifications for that craziness sometime in the future. Can't say enough that I am very happy to be back and seeing the ideas and positive nature of the commenters on this channel. Thank you VERY much! Here is the discord link :  https://discord.gg/eQDhEzs 

2 years ago • Disk Cart

New Shirts! I'll be back very soon Dr. Appointment this week that hopefully clears me to do more. THANK YOU to everyone sending nice messages and Game Room photos and videos. Its been awesome to check out. Needless to say we have some videos to make! I soft Launched these new shirts on Instagram and Twitter I recommend the Tri-Blend if you like form fitting SUPER Soft shirts but we have Standard Shirts available. The whole idea is to have a shirt that's just an awesome shirt. SO you'll see that "Disk Cart" is the smallest thing in the design. I hate "MERCH" and the typical cheap logo stuff people push. I do not know how long these will be up so grab them if you dig the design. My cut is between 2-4.00 before fees and taxes. Collect What You Love. Happy to be coming back! 
(I use their tri-blend shirts) ➔  https://www.teepublic.com/user/diskcart 

2 years ago • Disk Cart

Surgery Update! Surgery was a success! The gnarly pain I had in my leg and back is gone. Life changing really. I am still in recovery and can't really pick anything up , bend , twist or do anything like sitting standing etc too long. Still pretty painful as my back figures out the new 6 screws and wedges they added to it, But still way better than life before. I have to force myself to follow the rules and make the right choices so this can be the last time I have a spine surgery. Love You Guys. I am 100% around so feel free to comment , Join and chat in the discord or follow @DiskCartguy on twitter and instagram . links to that stuff is in the descriptions of all the videos. But seriously thank you for your patience I have soo much stocked up for my return! 

3 years ago • Disk Cart

Hey everyone, As some know I have had a pretty gnarly back injury for around 12 years now. Next week I am going to have my spine fused and hopefully repaired enough that I can do more. So for a bit here I am running around to DR appointments and come next week several days in the hospital until I can walk properly again. After that I will do my best to make as many videos as possible. I have greatly appreciated all of the support from you guys this year so thank you very much. 

3 years ago • Disk Cart

Send in Your game rooms for future game room tours episodes! Always looking for interesting things in collections to talk about. doesn't matter if your room is small or big, you never know what cool stuff may help others make their rooms! This video explains how to send! :  https://youtu.be/6Ui_dSmx16A