3 years ago (edited) • Wonder World


Since I have a lot of new subscribers and some seem unclear of my relationship with the products on my channel, I feel I need to restate this information for them and for all to understand.

I have never been paid or sponsored $0.01c from anyone especially companies to do a video on their product. (still accurate as of 24/6/22)

Every story on my channel especially products were chosen 100% because I found it interesting and that's all, any company can approach me and ask if I will do a story on their product, but unless I find it interesting, I usually say no.

I get asked to promote game apps all the time, and I will be paid to do so, but I say "No thanks" everytime, as it's not what I do on my channel.

I simply find a topic / product that I find interesting and I ask if I can do a story on it, now obviously companies say yes almost 100% of the time, as it's free promotion on a big channel, and I do not ask for anything in return.

It's a win/win for all parties concerned, they get promoted and I get another story I wanted to tell on my channel.

You do not have to like the product, you may think it's expensive, you may think it's unpractical for everyday use, but that does not change the fact, I found it interesting enough to tell a story about it.

I hope that helps some of my newer viewers understand how this channel works.