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Subway & Train Safety Tips #shorts
How to Turn Your Side Hustle Into Your Main Hustle
How to Open a Champagne Bottle Without Poking Your Eye Out
Why this World Cup is the Most Expensive Ever? - mini explainer
Uber bringing self driving cars in Las Vegas - Mini Explainer
The hidden costs of a cruise - Money Moves
How Disney tricks you into spending more - Money Moves
Spotify Wrapped: why we love to share our data - Mini Explainer
How Apple stores are designed to get you to spend more - Money Moves
How IKEA Tricks You Into Spending More - Money Moves
Where you'll be spending the most on Thanksgiving - mini-explainer
Why it's cheaper to eat out this Thanksgiving - Money Moves
How McDonald's tricks you into spending more - Money Moves
Why is everyone in tech getting laid off? - Mini-Explainer
Why this German grocery store is all over the U.S. now - Money Moves
Why D.C. isn't a state - Tiny Topics
Lab-grown blood is being tested in clinical trial - mini-explainer
How Trader Joe's tricks you into spending more - Money Moves
How Target tricks shoppers into spending more - Money Moves
The bizarre origins of daylight-saving time - Tiny Topics
Netflix is adding commercials... - Mini-explainer
Why your Uber driver will take fewer left turns - Mini-explainer
Disney is raising its prices and people aren't happy... - Money Moves
NYC now REQUIRES salaries in job posts - mini-explainer
How Black Cats Became Unlucky - Tiny Topics
Why Starbucks Is Giving Out Air Miles - Money Moves
Video Games Might Not Rot Your Brain… - Mini-explainer
Inflation Explained In 60 Seconds - Tiny Topics
Why There Are Fewer Chips In Your Chip Bag - Money Moved
How Netflix Is Cracking Down On Password Sharing - Mini-Explainer
Why Liz Truss Resigned As U.K. Prime Minister - Mini-explainer
How Retailers Organize Their Store To Get You To Spend - Money Moves
The Scientific Reason You Always Have Room For Dessert - Tiny Topics
The Hidden Cost Of Budget Airlines - Money Moves
The Map You Know Is Wrong - Tiny Topics
Victor Cruz On The Transition From Football To Business - Celebrity Lemonade Stand
Why Elon Musk Wants To Create “An App For Everything” - Mini-explainer
Why Kim Kardashian Is Paying A $1.26 Million Fine - Mini Explainer
The Real Reason Coffee Comes In Three Sizes - Money Moves
Lindsey Vonn: "Win gold, then start a business" - Celebrity Lemonade Stand Shorts
How Costco Tricks You Into Spending - Money Moves
Why The British Pound Is Falling - Mini-explainers
Why So Many Logos Are Blue - Money Moves
Paid to Nap? - News or Noise
Did a Bear Get High off Honey? News or Noise
Free Period Products? News or Noise?
Beer brewed from sewage water - News or Noise?
Are Cats Really Aliens? - News or Noise