10 months ago • Absentduck

10yrs old. How time flies. 

2 years ago • Absentduck

As I've been asked a thousand times(ish) how to fix the automatic gold farm from breaking in the newer updates, here's how: Replace the water dispenser/observer combo with what you see. There is no hidden redstone. Everything else is the same. 

Enjoy racking up 1000s of gold ingots per hour, now that v1.17.32 has the fixed looting effect from mobs killed with projectiles, aka your trident killers. 

2 years ago • Absentduck

Finally nice to actually have internet which makes uploading feasible again. My upload speed has been non-existent for a long time now. Also, in case many of you didn't know already, we have a realm again. 

3 years ago • Absentduck

I Survived 1 Year in Minecraft. Tune in this weekend to find out what I've been upto! 

3 years ago • Absentduck

Whose fault is it the video is late? 

3 years ago • Absentduck

Also quick shouts to 3k subs, thanks for being patient with me everyone, sometimes life just gets in the way. I wanted the release last Saturday but having watched it back, I didn't feel the episode was right. 

That has not stopped me working hard behind the scenes. Episode 78, World Tour will be out this Saturday and my goodness will it be worth the wait, you will see.