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I'm so used to controlling my emotions with my mind
Are you really autistic or maybe you're just an introvert?
Asperger's or Autism?
AUTISM CONTROVERSY: I can't believe he said this!
I don’t suffer from autism…I suffer from people.
Are overcompensating in your relationships?
Signs of Undiagnosed Autism in Adults
The truth is, if we're honest, we don't always know.
You probably have experiences where being yourself is not a fantastic strategy BUT...
This is the last piece of the puzzle.
Very often, the burden of change is put onto the autistic person.
Routines help my body regulate itself.
Why is everything suddenly an overwhelming crisis?!
Do you need a second brain?
How did you discover your autism?
Small talk is JUST what you do…but what if you don’t want it?
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone just told the truth?
Different tasks take a different number of spoons #SpoonTheory
The best strategy is HIDE.
Having an exit plan for the holiday season
Can you medicate autism?
Boundaries are the way we connect
Did I forget something?
The more words I use in that situation, the more chance there is of misunderstanding
What do these social cues mean?
Low energy or low spoons? What's the difference?
It's tempting to OVERSHARE...
Love isn't love until you give it away
One of the key aspects of unmasking is...
How do you spot autistic masking strategies?
This is how I relax to recover from burnout
What is happening inside OUR BRAINS?!
people are telling us how we should be or trying to help us be normal
You have every right to ask people to be considerate of you #shorts
There might be a job opportunity for you here!
This idea changes everything!
Can you measure autistic burnouts?
This term gives a feeling of so much freedom because…
CBT is not what you think. #shorts
This is the cheapest but most useful investment I made. #Shorts
Can the lack of sleep routine cause depression? #shorts
Signs that you could be autistic?
How can autism be a disability? #shorts
Will I see you in Germany this July?
This is a myth but there's a reason why people think it isn't
How long can an autistic burnout last? #shorts
Stop using autistic as an insult! #shorts
How is masking different for Autistic Women? #shorts