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Researchers made a "subway map" of secrets. Does the secret you're keeping fit somewhere inside it?
Are you committing accidental fraud?? Here's one example.
Did you know belief literally changes your body ⁉️
This new type of medicine is revolutionizing healthcare 💊
How to beat your negativity bias 😤
Mr. Wonderful explains why money is a "funny thing" 💵
What #blackholes can tell us about the beginning of time ⌛
"Without any doubt at all, it is Black men who face the highest levels of discrimination."
Michael Slepian studies secrets. This is what he has learned.
What if we made a computer that could crack any code?
A former FBI hostage negotiator's advice for getting what you want
The difference between #stress and #tauma
Forget productivity. Focus on your "Q-Factor."
The age-impacting benefit of #caloricrestriction
Do you believe in the "Ocean Theory" of consciousness?
How humanity is preventing itself from colonizing Mars 🚫
This one thing sets humans apart from every other species 🧠
Is this the way we should think about crypto? | Tyler Cowen
The quote all business owners should memorize | Roger Martin
Would you try this cleaning + exercise hack? 🧹
The past, present, and future of parenting | Richard Reeves
The real problem with the #multiverse theory | Janna Levin
How to use anxiety to your advantage | Jesse Eisenberg
There's no such thing as a victimless crime | Kelly Richmond Pope
This is one of the hardest things for human beings to say to one another | Richard Reeves
What is "Brain Flow"? 🤔 | Wendy Suzuki
Can you solve the hard problem of consciousness? | Swami Sarvapriyananda
Why belief systems are absolutely imperative to human existence | Agustín Fuentes
"It seems our existence actually transcends the passage of time" | Sabine Hossenfelder
What we've been taught about sexuality is wrong 🤯 | Emily Nagoski
Keeping a secret? 🤫 It might be bad for your health... | Michael Slepian
How REM sleep is like a human superpower 😴 | Patrick McNamara
How American marriage has changed over time 💍 | Richard Reeves
Why "colorblind" shouldn't be a dirty word | Coleman Hughes
How quantum mechanics boils down to one thing... a cat 🐱Featuring Michio Kaku
Black holes are places, not things | Janna Levin
This is what anxiety looks like in your brain | Dr. Wendy Suzuki
The incredible anatomy of your dog's nose | Ed Yong
Why scientists care about intervening in the aging process | Dr. Morgan Levine
The case for using psychedelics to heal from trauma
The things most listless couples are missing from their sex lives | Esther Perel
This rabbi's take on how a lustless marriage is akin to a prison | Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
“About 70% of people have experienced at least one of these traumatic experiences.”
This dark fable may predict humanity’s future with AI
Sean B. Carroll answers a member question about evolution
Terry Crews on the power of being "unembarrassable"
Jane Goodall's very first experience as a scientist
Are animals and computers conscious in the same way humans are?